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Date Posted: 01:58:56 04/28/19 Sun
Author: Webmaster
Subject: The Music Never Stops The Sources Never End

Never one to let the music go silent, there's an addition to: The "Juke-Box"
I know I've already mentioned it (at least a couple of times), as some of you know, G's was on social media for quite a while, with an account on Twitter and a page on Facebook. The Twitter acccount suddenly, and for no reason, got "suspended" for the longest while AND the Facebook page got shut-down and ultimiately deleted. It comes as no surprise, no shock, it is what it is, and Twitter and Facebook are what they are (and I won't mention that because it would be completely inappropriate here). But that didn't silence G's... of course it didn't! After all, "they" burned the place to the ground, left almost no evidence of it's existence and yet... HERE WE ARE AGAIN, ALL THESE YEARS LATER! Like-wise with social media.

As I've mentioned here and there, the Facebook page was moved to a great alternative social media venue called "Minds.com". Very much like Facebook in format, Minds differs tremendously because it's what's known as "Free Speech". One can post opinions, comments, and just about every-thing else that makes us all individuals. Yes, it has its "seemy" pages, there's a lot of politics posted, and that, as I'm sure we all know, can lead to all sorts of difficulties. But, it's also open to all sorts of incredibly wonderful media, including photos, personal art-works, prose, poetry and, of course, music. There are many "groups" for all sorts of music on Minds, and G's is just one of those.

As it is at the moment, there are 126 posts on G's "Juke-Box" group, and the list is open to ALL who subscribe or have a "channel" (page/account) on Minds. The music spans many years and many genres and continues to grow!

So instead of limiting the musical aspect of this site to the "Juke-Box" page alone, a NEW PAGE has been added! It's a complete listing of the music on the Minds channel, an ever-growing list. Each song here is a link to the post on the Minds group, and clicking on it opens a new tab or window (depending on how your browser responds) where you can watch the video and listen to the music posted by a variety of people who contribute. And if you decide to join the rest of us at Minds, you too are free to add your particular favourites to the "play list" as you wish. There's no limit to the style, the artist, the age of the music. If you like it and want to "share" (as it were) with others, you're free to add.

But to the matter of the site here, when you visit the "Juke-Box" page now, you'll see, to the right of the "loading 45s" graphic, a small "dancing light bulb" image. When you click/tap on it, you'll be brought to the listing of the music on the Group at Minds. There, you can scroll through all the music that's on the Group, click on a song and listen! It's open to every-body to enjoy, and I hope you'll all take advantage and check it, try it, have a listen and enjoy the variety of music. There's English, French, German music. There's music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and even some brand new, current music on the list. It's "eclectic", to say the least, from dance, techno, to country and folk as well as a few tunes from G's old juke-box. As I say, there's 126 entries as I post this note, but it won't just end there and I'll be up-dating as often as possible. (If you want to, you can visit the Group directly and get the latest contributions as they're posted, of course.)

Mr. G's was music, dancing, good times... Today, G's still is.... and tomorrow, G's still will be. Come to the Juke-Box and enjoy!

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