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Subject: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Monday, September 04, 08:05:22pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Former Niagara player's grandson Akbar Waheed the 3rd is being recruited by many high level programs as well as Siena and other mid-majors. GP should certainly give the 6-6 Waheed an offer. Why not ?

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed- Upgrade

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Date Posted: Monday, September 04, 08:07:34pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

He's his Son, not Akbar's grandson.

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Monday, September 04, 10:17:29pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-24-59-42-147.twcny.res.rr.com/

Young Akbar might be out of Niagara's reach as he's holding offers from Maryland, Penn St, Boston College, Xavier and a handful of mid-majors, but it's natural to think of recruiting him with papa a former NU player.

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

Stephen Thompson
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Date Posted: Monday, September 04, 10:36:43pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-24-59-42-147.twcny.res.rr.com/

Pitt Contacts 2025 SG Akbar Waheed

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 10:02:44am
Author Host/IP: 035-145-105-127.res.spectrum.com/

It is Akbar's son and NU is not getting him with Simon Gray as the AD!.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 12:04:37pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-24-59-42-147.twcny.res.rr.com/

What does Simon Gray have to do with recruiting?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 12:35:11pm
Author Host/IP: rrcs-208-125-165-66.nys.biz.rr.com/

I believe Akbar has a daughter who is a very good athlete. It escapes me how old she is

Great guy, great family. Glad to see them doing well!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

Billy Bob
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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 12:49:32pm
Author Host/IP: pool-71-172-157-240.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net/

GREAT guy indeed!

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[> [> [> Subject: nubball86 Is Wrong

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 12:55:53pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Waheed left NU in 2010, Gray came in 2014. Gray has nothing to do with Waheed's decision. Waheed's recruiting, if it comes down to Niagara will depend on GP, his staff, the kid's relationship with the other players, if he visits, and the campus, to name some factors. It has NOTHING to do with Gray.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: nubball86 Is Wrong

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 04:08:22pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-24-59-42-147.twcny.res.rr.com/

Why so confrontational, Soup?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: nubball86 Is Wrong

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 04:11:59pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Hey, I was very polite, Tom. Kept it to sports. No name calling. Geez, how come I'm told when I'm wrong. Now, I'm telling him that he was WRONG !

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: nubball86 Is Wrong

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 11:36:57am
Author Host/IP: 035-145-105-127.res.spectrum.com/

Have you ever talked to coach Waheed? if not, please do not claim anything!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: nubball86 Is Wrong

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 12:09:28pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

You are one of those guys that just can't admit when they are wrong. In Martial Arts it's called trying to save face. It's not honorable. When you are wrong , you are wrong. Be humble !

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 11:33:27am
Author Host/IP: 035-145-105-127.res.spectrum.com/

Because he was never considered for HC job when Casey and Beilein were hired.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 12:14:40pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Please, Niagara gave him a scholarship, and a job for 11 years. I never heard of Akbar having any ill feelings towards Niagara, in fact, he loved Niagara. Coaching jobs are very tough to come by, and Niagara gave Akbar a lot, including endorsements to get other coaching jobs at other programs. I'm sure he was more than grateful for that. You're still trying to save face. It's not working.

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 05, 03:57:18pm
Author Host/IP: gen-045-046-140-85.res.spectrum.com/

Guys, Can we not argue about this.

It has nothing to do with Gray.

There is no chance this kid is coming to NU. lol.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 11:35:47am
Author Host/IP: 035-145-105-127.res.spectrum.com/

Just to be clear a lot of recent NU problems are directly related to Gray (and Fr Maher). He got lucky withy with GP, but the rest of his track record is awful.

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[> [> [> Subject: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 12:06:57pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Let go already, you were WRONG. Now you are just trying to save face.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 12:45:33pm
Author Host/IP: mobile-107-77-218-143.mobile.att.net/

Akhbar was at BC when Jam left. He absolutely wanted the NU job, it was not handled well by your guys, above. These are facts not opinion!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 01:42:35pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Even if that's true, that doesn't mean Akbar has turned his back on Niagara and has steered is kid in another direction If NIagara had offered me a scholarship (actually they did for baseball) and employed me , and put food on my table for 11 years (actually they did employ me) , I would have no ill feelings for the school. In fact, I would be grateful. I'm sure Akbar is grateful to Niagara for EVERYTHING it did for him. I don't think the guy is that shallow a person to believe that he was ENTITLED to the job. He knows the business. So , hypothetically, if it came down to him and let's say another Niagara candidate for the job, and he didn't get it, he would hold it against his alma mater ? Another words, it wouldn't say much about Akbar as a man to be like that. Again, it's a business, and he knew it. So you're still WRONG !

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 01:49:25pm
Author Host/IP: c-73-21-199-29.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

You explanation is perfectly reasonable but does not mean that he cannot be disappointed and therefor not interested in his kid choosing NU. (bTw, since we have not offered or decided we cannot get him, it is mute point)!
NU since Last AD has left has done zero to stay in touch with athletic alumni! NU could possibly be the only school without an Athletic Alumni association/group! We are 14 months from arguable the 2nd biggest win in NU history, Dec 15: 1984, and I am pretty sure nothing will be done.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Nubball86

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 01:53:41pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

I'm glad you're back.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 01:50:36pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Also, you blamed it on Gray & Maher ! Again, they were not at Niagara until later . You blamed them DIRECTLY. They were not even at Niagara for him to blame. So again, you are still WRONG.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 02:02:08pm
Author Host/IP: c-73-21-199-29.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

Who hired Casey?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 02:09:07pm
Author Host/IP: c-73-21-199-29.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

My mistake it was Crowley who hired Casey, instead on Akhbar and others. I think Mahar was there.
I will still stand bye that he was hurt that NU did not offer him the job as an alum and JAM pushed for him.
Still not a fan of Simon Gray, he did extend Casey, Hire Pierce, Lammers, and others.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 02:54:37pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Well, you can believe it if you want, but it wasn't Gray and Maher behind it. Maybe you're right about Niagara in general, but logistically it isn't Gray/Maher; and certainly NOT Gray.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gray & Maher Had Nothing To Do With Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 03:33:12pm
Author Host/IP: rrcs-208-125-165-66.nys.biz.rr.com/

Akbar spent time at Georgetown and BC. If indeed NU didnt want him as a coach thats on them and very likely their mistake.

NU once lost a HEAD coach over a lost receipt for a rental car on a recruiting trip.

I didnt know Waheed was in the mix or nixed for the head coach search. NU would have very likely been a better program because of him. Not only was he a good coach but very good guy.

This news is not shocking.

There are a decent amount of coaches in various sports who are Asst. Coaches at big schools who either chose not to come to NU or were never considered.

Julian Pagliero who was a great goalie for NU is an asst. at Penn State. I would hope he is in the mix if Lammers time comes to end.

But on the other side of equation. If you know how the sausage is made maybe you DONT want the job.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 05:08:38pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-70-140-50.nycap.res.rr.com/

Casey was actually an Asst at SJU when Fr Maher was there so it's your guess as to who hired him at NU...but to me it wasn't Simon, but Fr Maher. Maher even might have been the SJU team chaplin

Akbar was not considered because according to Simon, he had PB on his mind for a while before he was hired. So to me, Akbar didn't have a chance and if I was him I would never send my son there (NU). I believe that he would have done a very good job had he coached NU, which doesn't take away from what GP is doing.

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[> [> [> Subject: Purp1

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 05:26:06pm
Author Host/IP: fl-67-233-140-154.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

I'm surprised to hear you say that you wouldn't send your son to NU (for basketball). I would have thought that if you had a 3 Star son, that you would want him to attend Niagara to help the program that you love, and just to be able to see him play for 4 years.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Purp1

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 05:52:33pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-70-140-50.nycap.res.rr.com/

Supe, I was referring to Akbar.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Purp1

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 06:47:55pm
Author Host/IP: gen-045-046-140-85.res.spectrum.com/

That stuff is great in the movies but not in real life.

You would have a better chance if Waheed coached at the worst team in the ACC and his son went there. Still the ACC.

Has NU ever had a three star player?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Purp1

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 07:54:10pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-24-59-42-147.twcny.res.rr.com/

Carlos Bradberry (1st team New York State) might have been a 3 star player, though he didn't come close to living up to it.

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[> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 06:15:32pm
Author Host/IP: 251.sub-174-231-52.myvzw.com/

To be fair, Akbar was an Assistant on some pretty bad Boston College and Georgetown teams. That usually doesn’t bode well for HC jobs.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 3 Star Akbar Waheed

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 07:58:15pm
Author Host/IP: 035-145-105-127.res.spectrum.com/

Irrelevant! BTW, he was considered when Casey was hired, not Beilein.

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