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Date Posted: Saturday, October 25, 08:50:09pm
Author: Sludge
Subject: More hate and envy from a sad and bitter, pompous ass
In reply to: Peacock 's message, "I am John McCain and I approve this message" on Saturday, October 25, 12:16:33am

You attempt to hide your socialist agenda under the guise of the worn and scripted, populist playbook. Your bigoted and imbalanced tirade only exposes the perverted envy amd contempt you feel for those who strive for and achieve individual success.

You know little of the personal life of other's here, yet you attempt to character assasinate through inneuendo and false representation. It's been attempted by bullys like you through the years in an effort to intiminate and silence those who may disagree.

You expose yourself as an amateur propagandist through your failure to give credit to those entrenched, do nothings in Congress who ignore the needs of their constituents to trade favors with the lobbyists they sleep with (pun intended, Barney). As other's have expressed better than I, where was the oversight when the thieves of Fanny and Freddie were busy lining their own pockets in the name of promoting the social good? i.e., giving "free housing" to those who could neither afford or be responsible for their care. Yes, beware you dirty lenders, if you choose to discriminate on the basis of ability to pay, Big Brother will sanction your ass and bring you to court for redlining. On the other hand, play ball with us and we will overlook all those mortgage-backed securities that can be packaged and issued to unsuspecting buyers in the secondary market.

It is indeed telling to see how these criminally-responsible lawmakers can continue on the public dole without any regard for accountability. All facilitated by the increasingly ill-informed consituents they represent who are either ignorant or goose step with their representatives in exchange for promises of government entitlements that invariably translate into giving people something for nothing. No wonder these "servants of the people" can feel secure in ignoring the sentiments of the few informed who argue for term limits. It is so sad and discouraging today that our decisions, attributable in large measure to the bigotry and self serving agendas of our media, are made more on style rather than on character or substance.

Big and more intrusive government is not the answer since it only encourages and disinfranchises us to do less for ourselves, frustrating us further as responsible citizens from participating in the democratic process.

Yes, we will have a new government shortly; one elected by an increasingly misinformed and upset electorate that is angered and measurably harmed by the recent financial collapse. They will vote to "throw the bums out" as the media spin meisters have all opined in lockstep. Change, change, change! Oh, isn't it so much easier to preach a position that argues for what government can do for you, rather than the more difficult task of demanding what one must do for himself? We all want to hear the feel good message today; be told that there we are excused from all absolutes; with only relatives applying to our actions, thus allowing us to conveniently defend and justify. And if we should fail? Never fault the individual, rather, be the victim, one damaged by the deceit and greed of those who have achieved success through their own initiative and independence.

Perhaps in your mind everything should be decided and forced upon us by the bureaucrats. You need not look far to your bumbling but revealing Senator, the one who is fond of quoting British Statesmen (albeit without the quote), and who thinks it is patriotic for us to pay higher taxes. He undoubtedly believes government knows best, everything should be forced upon us, since he has demonstrated personally that charity should not be the duty of the individual or a responsible, freedom to choose, society.

To paraphrase one of our great Presidents; you don't build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. And you don't help man permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

Obviously, these words, or the individual freedoms they promote are not something you are capable of comprehending or, in fact, have the courage and strength to accept. You, my goose-stepping friend", are nothing but a fraud and ignoramus. It's obvious the Jesuits performed well in introducing you to Keynesian economics.

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[> [> [> One only needs to read your first line -- Peacock, Monday, October 27, 01:25:44pm [1]

As you pontificate and then talk about not knowing you personally.

Lets review your recent issue. You claim I became personal with figgy after he posted a blatant lie and then you defended him for being a prudent poster. No question you come from those that will lie and distort to make your case. Your good buddy has also lied in the past fabricating stories that were not true. In fact in all your wisdom and insight you have not once challenged the substance of items on SPC I put forth only to say I was privileged. When you boil it down you are nothing more than a phony intellectual who hides behind your own success and disdain of those who do not. You refuse as does Cindy to acknowledge that there are many who don't have the ability to do what you both believe anyone can do. One only has to read your posts, we could do it, so why can't anyone else.

Lets review your recent post. You trivialize those who can't afford health care and who now have problems with their mortgages as if they were dumb asses. I must assume that all those problems are because they are lazy humans that want to live off your hard work. You distinctly expose yourself as an elitist. Where else can one find a studied individual who discusses the values of the country clubs of southern Jersey. Your broad stroke of calling all who have these problems as lazy and lacking in character, per your Presidential reference, shows how detached you are to life. Your obsession with the French stems from you disgust over the French revolution as you see yourself as the royalty of the current nation. In your world, you would be royalty.

In fact you certainly have a raw nerve as on reading my post I don't see positive comments about the democrats or Congress. In fact all I basically said is that there are basic needs of all the population in this nation and the current tirade against any program that even attempts correct some of the disparages is an example of elitism. In fact never do I see you even present a possible solution but just attack. You sir might not trust the bureaucracies so I assume you trust the corporate boardroom. The problem with you is no one even knows if you have a solution, other than defense of the status quo. As devout "DO NOTHING" individual one wonders how you got so successful. But I forget that during our genera ration anyone could be successful as all we had to do was pick the money off the ground. Success had less to do with hard work but only being there. Congratulation on being there.

You call me a socialist but fail to recognize you as well as Cindy are socialists. You support the welfare for corporations and the exemptions that allow you to attain your wealth. You make no demands on these favorite sons and bail them out when there own greed causes a collapse. So as all your disdain for government running some of the show you show little to know remorse for the criminal activities of your current favorite sons. Hell who is paying for Iraq conflict. Better yet who is paying for the private corporation that controls much of the activity over there. Tax and spend bothers you as you only support the spend philosophy.

I may be the ignoramus but it seems your are functional idiot who can't even read and blows up and expands on things not said. As far as a fraud goes you have me beat by a mile. When you need to support a lie you show you are a fraud.

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[> [> [> [> Re: One only needs to read your first line -- loyal, Monday, October 27, 01:34:29pm [1]

Hey, be easy on our good friends Cindy, John Cella and Sludge.

If it weren't for their vigilance, who would be looking after the interests of CEO's, trust-fund beneficiaries, etc.?? :>)

Looks like we alone share the burden of concern for those lazy, entitled folk with earned income under $250,000. :>)

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[> [> [> [> Stange -- Cindy Crawford, Monday, October 27, 08:43:28pm [1]

I know in my mind and heart what I have achieved through hard work and perseverance.I'll not be made guilty for having achieved a degree of success and security for my family while still contributing an already disproportionate amount in taxes.
In addition I take solace in knowing that I contribute more to charity and education,including SPC basketball, every six months than Joe Biden has in the past ten years.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Stange -- oldtimer#1, Monday, October 27, 09:41:42pm [1]

Well said, Cindy! Isn't it amazing that many of those who want to tell us what we need to do with our hard earned money do so little to contribute as individuals themselves. In that regard I praise your own internal compass as opposed to those who talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Human nature is such that is so easy to tell another how they should behave rather than looking inward. I think the word for that is hypocrasy.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Stange -- Peacock, Tuesday, October 28, 06:27:00pm [1]

it is easier to respond to you than Cindy as you show a true misunderstanding of not only what gets said in the political arena but what gets posted. No one has told anyone how they should feel. What is amusing is the guilt most seem not to accept when nothing accusatory was mentioned. Distortions are tolerable when it fits their agenda but exposing them appears to be accusatory. When one sees the overwhelming knee jerk response beyond what even is posted, one must wonder which side of the mouth are they posting from and as the apologist for all the world's status quo, you have amply used both sides of yours profusely. However I do concede that you have the right to use the word hypcrospy, as you are the formost practicioner of same.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Stange -- oldtimer#1, Tuesday, October 28, 09:57:35pm [1]

My, my Peacock are we again becoming a bit touchy, or should I use the word paranoid. Try reading and not revising. My response to Cindy had nothing to do with you. I took Cindy at his word and understood and agreed with the point he was making.

I don't know you nor have I examined your tax returns to have the faintest idea what you feel is your personal obligation, in terms of charitable contributions.The term hypocrite was reserved for those alluded by Cindy. Again, not you. I also have a better understanding than you think as to why you would want to pick a fight with me rather than Cindy.

Like figgyprez I now find you boring and a waste of my time. Go play games with others and keep me out of your posts as I will with you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Stange -- Peacock, Saturday, November 01, 02:36:02pm [1]

You are the ultimate panderer. Cindy's comment was basically a personal comment and very vulnerable in some areas. However to make as blatant a statement that she knows how much Biden donates charitably is an example of preaching unsupportable statements. The fact that you practice your approval comments shows that you will pander to anything that floats your boat. As you state you have no idea to even what is on either's tax returns, shows that your approval has little to do with accuracy or substance. Now we might agree that Cindy donates more to SPC than Biden, but that would be a typical Sludge reply.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Stange -- SPC Dawg, Tuesday, November 04, 11:22:15pm [1]

Peacock you are a fool. Biden's tax returns over last several years were made public. Anyone can read them and know what his charitable contributions were.

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