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Date Posted: Sun, Sep 19 2004, 13:45:17
Author: Dr. G
Subject: Re: Scope of Practice
In reply to: Dr. john 's message, "Re: Scope of Practice" on Wed, Mar 24 2004, 10:49:38

Everyone has their own personal reasons for why they became a Chiropractor. One of the reasons I hope everyone has in common is the fact that they want to practice Chiropractic.

All of the modalities and therapies that have been listed possibly can benefit a person's health. I don't think anyone is debating that issue.

However, if you would like to practice those modalities and therapies please go back to school and receive the degree that allows you to perform those on your patients.

Please do not attempt to piggyback such things on an amazing profession that was founded without drugs or surgeries for a reason. A Chiropractor should be proud that our profession provides something M.D.'s, D.O.'s, P.T.'s, LMP's, do not.

If you do not understand that, or are unhappy with what our professions scope of practice, feel free to earn another degree that will allow you to do whatever you wish. Nobody is limiting anyone else on what they can and can't practice under a Chiropractic license. If you are a Chiropractor that is what you practice. If you are a D.C. M.D, or D.C. P.T., enjoy all of those things you mentioned.

As far as the the "dogma" that comes up every so often, please understand that understanding what are profession was founded on, and is based in is vital to being a great Chiropractor. If it is not important to other people, maybe it is time to start your own separate and distinct profession, or time to move on.

It has never been a better time to be a Chiropractor, and I have never once felt limited in my ability to help a patient with an adjustment. I also have never felt a need to be everything to all people, and will gladly refer when needed to the appropriate separate and distinct profession that is different than Chiropractic.

We all have our patients best interests at heart, that should be obvious. It is too bad we may be ignoring the history of other professions that have been absorbed by mdeicine, only to become another medical doctor providing allopathic care.

If you want to do something different than Chiropractic, please do. If you feel like you are limited in your role as a physician, you may want to look up the definition of a physician, and realise we are not.

Take care,

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