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Date Posted: 16:04:05 11/29/08 Sat
Author: Zafi
Subject: I am a yeerk
In reply to: bella 's message, "I AM A YEERK!" on 13:58:04 01/11/08 Fri

i am a yeerk i live in a kid called zafi and i controll her!!! it is so funny hearing her pitiful pleas to let her go!! lol. this is the list of all the people we have infested!!! enjoy and be scared!!!

-Fidel Castro (Former Cuban dictator)

-Joseph Stalin (Former Russian dictator)

-Bill Clinton (Former US President)

-Hillary Clinton (Former 2008 Presidential Candidate)

-George Tenet (CIA director for some of Clinton's years and most of Bush's years)

-Tim Leary (Biggest LSD-supporting doctor of the late 80s and early 90s)

-Denzel Washington (Actor)

-Pat Buchanan (Senior adviser for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. Former CNN host. Presidential Candidate in 2000)

-John McCain (2008 Presidential Candidate)

-John Kerry (2004 Presidential Candidate)

-Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense)

-Robert Baer (Author, former CIA case officer)

-José Barroso (Portugese politician, 11th head of the European Commission)

-Jim Jones (Founder of the suicidal, Koolaid-drinking "Peoples Temple" cult)

-John Gannon (Head of Intelligence for the Department of Homeland Security)

-William McDonough (Vice Chairman of Merrill Lynch)

-Tom Clancy (Author)

-Peter Lynch (Wall Street Investor)

-Joseph Schmitz (Washington D.C Lawyer)

-Peter Pace (Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)

-David Petraeus (Commander of all US military forces in Iraq)

-James Jones (Former Commander of US European Command)

-George Casey (Chief of Staff for the US Army)

-Mike Stenson (Film Producer)

-John Murphy (Chairman of Oppenheimer Funds)

-Michael Sullivan (Director of the ATF)

-Mark Dybul (Head of US AIDS Plan)

-Andrew Eschenbach (Commissioner of US Food and Drug Administration)

-Joseph Kilkenny (Commander of US Navy Recruiting Command)

-David Burnham (Chairman and CEO of Raytheon)

-Mark Thompson (Director-General of BBC)

-John Loh (Former Vice Chief of Staff for the US Air Force)

-James Rohr (Chairman and CEO of The PNC Financial Services Group)

-Robert Wright (Chairman of NBC)

-J.D Power III (Chairman of J.D Power and Associates)

-William Buckley Jr. (Founder of National Review magazine)

-Emilio González (Director of US Immigration and Citizenship Services)

-Luigi Gedda (Founder of Catholic Action)

-Lewis Lehrman (Director of PNAC)

-Joseph Retinger (Co-Founder of The Bilderberg Club)

-Bob Hope (Actor)

-Daniel Imperato (2008 Presidential Candidate)

-Mark Wolff (Assistant Dean at St.Thomas University)

-Barack Obama (President of the United States)

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