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Date Posted: 09:12:29 05/12/02 Sun
Author: Christine
Author Host/IP: spider-ti081.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Got my results

Hi again everyone!! 2nd thing that amazes me is that you wonderful people, that I have just met, were in my thoughts while I was at the Drs and it was helpful to think about your support. I am lucky, to have found this site and also cause I don't think things are too awful for me. Doc said I only have scar tissue damage to my liver, put me on the waiting list for the meds. Said might take up to 3 months to get it. Is that right? When I start the treatment will I ever have to wait to get more? He didn't have my genotype--should that concern me that he didn't get that information? Also, please tell it to me straight--I work at a vet clinic--sometimes can be long hours--then I go to school 2 nights a week; then the fall I start school 4 nights a week, plus my job, will I be able to keep up with a schedule that full or is something going to have to go? Will the side effects get me so I won't be able to do all my obligations? That's what pisses me off the most is that I screwed up my life and when I finally got things going the way I wanted the past comes back to haunt me. Could not have been worse timing. I just went in for some routine check up and the Dr recommends to do bloodwork and the s--t hits the fan!! Everyone I've told says its a good thing I found out, but I don' know--ignorance is bliss!! Oh well--now that I know guess I'll just do what you all are doing. And seems to me ya are living life to the fullest and getting on with getting on. Take care everyone and thanks.

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[> IMHO -- Anna, 09:22:39 05/12/02 Sun (ip68-1-115-246.pn.at.cox.net/

I'd want to know my genotype before I considered treatment. Kind of know my odds of winning, not that anybody can't beat this booger of a virus. I went through the 1st treatment not knowing my genotype. Found out my genotype before the 2nd treatment & almost killed me trying to kill the virus.
That sounds like a load for someone on treatment but different people react differently. Don't be to proud to holler "uncle" if it gets to be too much.
Good luck. X's & O's, Anna

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[> Hi Christine -- Susie, 09:40:48 05/12/02 Sun (bgp425870bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net/

You are sounding relieved. I am so glad. As far as the genotype, I would ask the doctor to draw the blood for that test because if you are going on treatment you will need to know the genotype because different genotypes have different lengths of treatment. Genotype 1's, which the majority of us are, need one year and genotype 2&3 can often get by with 6 months. I'd also ask him to be a bit more specific about the scarring in your liver. If your scarring is minimal you may want to wait until better treatments become available. Here are the stages of HCV:

Stage 0 = no scarring(fibrosis)

Stage 1 = minimal scarring

Stage 2 = moderate scarring

Stage 3 = called bridging fibrosis (areas of scar are starting to connect)

Stage 4 = cirrhosis (severe scarring)

It is difficult to answer your question about your schedule because everyone reacts differently to treatment. Some people breeze through with no complaints and on the other end some people have such a hard time they do not complete treatment. Most of us fall somewhere between those two extremes. I can tell you that the first time I treated, I was teaching first grade and I didn't miss any school. But it was hard. I think most of us deal with a lot of fatigue. My suggestion would be to free yourself up as much as possible, particularly the first month.

I wish you the very best, Christine and we are all so glad you are here at Voices.

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[> Hi Christine! I'm glad you came back and told us.... -- susinni, 14:40:52 05/12/02 Sun (adsl-64-167-148-230.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net/

Please be sure to get -- and keep -- paper copies of all your test results, even if nothing makes sense to you. As you go along, you'll be surprised at what knowledge you've 'picked up', and if something gets slightly off kilter later, during treatment, or whatever, you'll want to look back & see how it was before. Just don't get too worried about ALT and AST, 'cause they change on a regular basis. I'm glad you're in a 'mild' range now. Good luck!! --susi

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