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Date Posted: 10:43:46 10/29/04 Fri
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Scramble
In reply to: -- 's message, "Scramble" on 09:06:29 12/10/99 Fri

This is a port of the scrolling arcade game, which does a very good version in capturing the mood and sounds of the original, but not the graphics ('course, since the original was in raster, but who cares?).

The game is comprised of several sectors, the first of which introduces you to the majority of the hazards and targets you will face throughout most of the game, being rockets, fuel tanks and mystery bases (although, if my memory serves me right, these so-called "Mystery Bases" always were worth 200 points [rolls eyes]). One button will fire shots at targets, while the other one will drop bombs; you must hit fuel tanks a lot to keep your fuel supply up, or else your vehicle will nosedive even faster than Braniff Airlines did. Rockets tend to launch up at you, so make sure you're not hovering right above one!

Sector 2 suffers from what a lot of Vectrex games do, with the small screen, as you're faced with the same obstacles as the first sector, but instead of rockets launching, you've got U. F. O.'s right in your face. They're too big and easy to hit, but oh well, the next sector comprised of a meteor shower can be difficult until you get the pattern down (i. e. ducking for safety in the valleys), and then the next sector plays out like the first, although this time you're in a series of caverns intead of a mountain range.

The most difficult one is next, comprising of only fuel tanks and navigating through caverns (which there's a funny glitch that allows your bombs to go through cavern walls; heh), with a bit of a collision detection problem, what with your bottom wing dipping below a wall, yet if your top wing barely scraps the top one, you're going to lose a life, if not several on this one.

The final area is a bit anti-climatic in regards to bombing a base, since I guess there were a lot of people in general that thought the original's was too hard (the base was modeled so there was NO WAY to bomb it without losing a ship, but people didn't realize you automatically got your ship back...kind of weird), so here all you do is drop a couple of bombs on the base (which is WIDE open) and that's it, the game restarts, but your fuel is consumed faster, and rockets start launching more towards your ship.

This is a little easier than the arcade original, but it's still a good game...I give it a 7.5 out of 10, maybe even an 8.

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