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Date Posted: 18:13:38 01/09/05 Sun
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Spike Hoppin' 9 out of 10
In reply to: -- 's message, "Spike Hoppin'" on 09:11:20 12/10/99 Fri

To get the nitpicky things out of the way on this Vectrex version of Q*Bert (where you must jump on a bunch of blocks in order to change a giant pyramid into the same color), the controls take a bit of getting used to, none of the obstacles and characters move anything individually, they just bounce around the maze (i. e. no one moves their arms, heads, etc.), there aren't a lot of sounds, and the game moves a little slower than the arcade original.

Now, as far as the GOOD stuff goes (if you wanna whine about the above, use that energy to pitpick the Star Wars movies until you die a lonely nerd death), this is a very addictive, fun game, which can still get pretty intense, even if it's not as fast-paced as the original. Spike can still get gangbanged by enemies pretty well at times, the voice synthesis ("darn it!") and level intro and ending music makes up for the lack of sound, and, as usual, John Dondzila made this pretty challenging, so chances are you'll be playing it for a while.

There's also a hidden game in here that's also more difficult than the arcade original (I won't get into it much, due to John wanting to keep most of his hidden games secret), but lets just say it's a stripped down version of a game in regards to bugs, although I think it HAD to be simplified, due to the flicker that goes on with little elements it has as it is, plus, after only a few waves, things are going so fast you're not going to last very long anyway. There's also not many sounds here either, but it's still a challenging game.

All in all, as usual, another worth it buy from John. (But one *legit* gripe, though, if you ask me, is that there is NO pause feature!! Oh well.)

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