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Date Posted: 21:02:28 01/28/07 Sun
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Vecmania - Disc Duel Demo 5/10
In reply to: -- 's message, "Vecmania - Disc Duel Demo" on 16:03:58 12/12/99 Sun

It's a bit difficult to rate a not complete game demo, so I'm just rating this as is (or how I see it anyway).

Being a clone of the Discs of Tron arcade game, this two player only game went unfinished due to John Dondzila accidentally deleting the game's source code. So there is no sound, scoring, ending, and really no goal either, aside from shooting your opponent as many times as possible before you get tired of it and switch it off.

Your player will automatically jump from the three discs when you walk off of them, although you can fall off the outer discs if you're not careful. You can fire up to three discs at once, but it will be a few seconds before you can fire them again if you don't hit your opponent. Every single control possible was used for this game, including a shield function! However, since this game wasn't finished, it does not work here, but it was a nice thought though. Only the leetist (is that a word?) of players will be able to manipulate the buttons AND the joystick in order to aim the direction you want the discs to travel.

It would have been interesting to see what Dondzila had planned for this if he had finished it, like if the players' platforms would have gone up and down, barrades would appear in later rounds, etc., like on the arcade game. About all that there is here are not bad graphics and great response to the controls.

This isn't bad as it is, it probably would have rated a 7 out of 10, depending on what the end product would have been. It's ok for a while with another player, my nephew played this the longest out of all of the games on the Vecmania compilation (go figure!). However, with one player it only ranks a big fat 1, there's really nothing to do other than just see how the controls work and the game responds and all.

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