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Date Posted: 22:29:05 01/25/08 Fri
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Vectopia demos 1-6/10
In reply to: Darryl B. 's message, "Vectopia (overall)" on 19:47:12 01/11/08 Fri

Just thought I'd review most of the demos in one sweep, as there isn't much to most of them.

I assume Star Fury would eventually become Space Frenzy, since it starts with four segments of...something joining together, then all those ships disappear (or whatever they are) and all you're left with is your ship flying around while followed by a cursor. Say what? Only a 1 out of 10 on this one. The same rating also goes to the Mad Planetoids demo, as all you can do is move and shoot, as there’s two planetoids that can’t be destroyed that float around and massive flickering smaller circles that quickly randomly appear and disappear throughout the playfield.

Then there's the Star Fire Spirits levels 1 and 2. Level 2 (actually it says it’s level 1 on the screen, for some reason) just has you flying over Dark Planet's surface and shoot at tower tops (which you can't destroy), but you can spin your spaceship/the entire screen around! That's pretty neat, I'll give that one a 5 for the neat "rolling" effect demo, but only a 2 as far as the "game" goes (which there isn't any, really). Finally, though, Level 1 is actually the closest as these demos come as to being an actual game, as you've got six shield units to try to keep you shooting as many T. I. E. Fighter-like ships as possible until their shots knock the shields down to zero. Due to them mostly tumbling around and usually being small and hard to hit, this is actually more challenging than what would later be on the released Vecmania version. I give this demo a 5, since it's actually almost a game.

Ok, even though not a game, I give the Super Cheesy Controller Tester a 6, as it lets you test your controllers. However you SHOULD be able to tell for yourself whether your controllers work or not, right? So I guess that's a bit pointless, but it's kind of neat and does the job.

I'll have a separate review of the Vectropolis 500 demo, since it's nearly a complete game and deserves it's own section (in my opinion).

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  • Re: Vectropolis 500 demo 7/10 -- Darryl B., 10:15:28 02/13/08 Wed
  • Re: Vectropolis 500 demo 7/10 -- morganadwards, 04:02:45 07/23/23 Sun
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