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Subject: Some interesting polls

Knuit Holt
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Date Posted: 12:06:15 02/08/17 Wed
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In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "METHODS TO GET BIGGER PENIS" on 06:24:59 02/11/13 Mon

Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

by Knut Holt


Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events

Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.

Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.

Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.

I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.

The address of the poll:



Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:

In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.



Poll about cystoscopy:

By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.



Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt



Spying and surveillance from the government upon ordinary citizens have taken shapes and extention few people are aware of. For example are there now generally installed surveillance cameras in children's locker rooms and toiltes in schools and any place where children tak off thier clothes, Pictures are taken of the most intimate activities your child is doing and they are studied by government officials, including child protective agencies, police and health sevices, and the pictures or videos are stored in secret databases. This is just to mention one of many surveillance activities done upon you that even your wildest fantacies tend to catch.

All prividers of all kind scan your material and send reports to authorities including banks, insurance companies, schools, health services, ISPs, Yahoo, Facebook, Google, Wordpress, real estate brokers, stock axchanges. Just name them and they do it. Also seen.life does it, be sure.

The providers do it upon more or less secret decretes from the government, and say they abide to the law by doing it. But they also do ut because they get paid by the government for doing it, and because they also sell the data to other compnies they will not reveal to you.

These activities have increased enormously under Obama in USA and all allies of USA, and Trump does not seem to stop this treason done by the government upon you either.

The hero Edward Snowden revealed much of this and Obama was cought lying and hiding to the people in USA and other countries about this activity, but it has not get any better

You will find a more thorrough acount of the situation here:


Here is an article about the newly revealed post scanning activity Yahoo does by special softaware for the government, and to harvest data Yahoo sell to other too.


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