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Date Posted: 17:57:08 01/21/08 Mon
Author: Dave Allan
Subject: Re: Tyria Moore, The ugliest female ever?
In reply to: Dave Allan 's message, "Re: Tyria Moore, The ugliest female ever?" on 20:56:28 10/21/07 Sun

>>>I am not the best looking man in the world by far,
>>>I just watched the biography of Aileen Wournos, and
>>>though she started off a pretty little girl, what
>>>choice did she really have to become a hooker, when
>>>her family was so cruel, but that beast she took up
>>>with who betrayed her has to be the ugliest women in
>>>the free world. She gets more ugly every time I see
>>>her. She should have fried also, because she was well
>>>aware that wournos was killing men. But even as bad
>>>Wournos looked in that time she was with the beast,
>>>she could have found someone better looking, and at
>>>least someone with more than one tooth in the middle
>>>of the butt ugly face. She would even make a ugly
>>>The movies that have been made about Wournos always
>>>portray the monster as a very attractive lady. The
>>>first movie had Park Overall who is a very good
>>>looking women, and Moster had Christina Ricci playing
>>>moore, and Christina Ricci is very beautiful, and
>>>these women have a air of intelligence, that even
>>>their great acting skills they could not bring to the
>>>level of the creature t. moore. I cannot even spell
>>>her name in capital letters, because she is a
>>>backstabbing killer with the face of saddam hussien.
>>>Even with all the money she made from selling out the
>>>love of her life, and getting away with murder, she
>>>has done nothing to mitigate her uglyness. I know we
>>>cannot help how we are made when we come into this
>>>world, but a little denatal work, and maybe investing
>>>in a tooth brush , and getting your haircut by a pro
>>>instead of putting a bowl around your head and
>>>what is left then putting on a dirty cap, maybe she
>>>could go outside without making children scream and
>>>men and women turn away in horror. I hjave seen burn
>>>victims who look better, I just had to air my anger
>>>that this animal got away free, when she knew that
>>>girlfriend was killing people. Happy New Year To
>>>Everyone else.
>>>>>Just exactly where is TM? What's she up to.
>>Aileen Wourmos is my hero in a sick sort of way.
>>Notice that she didn't become a serial killer untill
>>she got hooked up with Tyria Moore? Wourmos killed
>>what?...7 men? TM killed eight then. Why is it that
>>Wourmos wasn't offered a deal like Ted Bundy was (he
>>killed more than 32). Women never get offered a deal
>>when it domes to capitol punishment. By the way Ted
>>refused the deal.
>>>>>get stuffed jerkoff, there are a damn site more
>>>>>>men in the world than ugly women, and i dont see
>>>>>>idiots doing anything to make yourselves more
>>>>>>You do not know us "idiots". I am sure that each
>time you walk past a mirror you have to watch out for
>breaking glass. Are you that ugly killers new lover?
>If I was nearly as ugly and disgusting looking as t.
>moore, I would NEVER GO ON TELEVISION. I could not
>stand to look at that creature for 1 hour. As for you,
>kiss our collective asses bitch.
>>>>>>how many guys out there feel that women should
>>>>>>> medical alterations done to themselves to be
>>>>>>> attractive, especially those that need it? I.E.
>>>>>>> plastic surgery, breast implants, liposuction,
>>>>>>> hell, even shaving the peach fish clean is
>>>>I just honed in on this. I'm a male by the way. If a
>>>>guy decides not to get romantically involved with a
>>>>woman because she's overweight, would you color him
>>>>shallow, or honest?
Here I am again watching the beast named Ty Moore talking about how she tried to change Aileen Wournos, but she did not mind spending the money she made doing tricks with any guy who had a few bucks. She is saying that she knew nothing about the things her lover was doing.
She got $50,000.00 before the trial even started. She is as guilty as Wournos, and she is the ugliest human, man or woman I have ever seen. She was very quick to turn the love of her life in knowing she would be facing the death penalty. She did not say anything until her ugly ass was on the line. Moore is a ugly user, and she will pay for her part in those murders one day.

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