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Date Posted: 01/ 7/03 9:07pm
Author: Colin
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Subject: The future of Mustang Militia
In reply to: Tenaya 's message, "Re: Who went to the UCR game Saturday?" on 01/ 7/03 6:20pm

A lot of those are good, pretty standard ideas. We've taken our cue a few times from our own band, who in turn seems to be influenced a bit by Gaucho Locos/holics (e.g. "Boing boing pass"). However, some of those work well only in groups larger than the five of us Militiapeople.

Did you see us when the women's team play CSU San Bernardino? That was the last time we were there when we had an actual student section sitting behind us. We led them in some of the more traditional chants. We'll see what happens this Thursday vs. Idaho, when we'll hopefully have some students behind us.

The main thing about us is that we don't want to imitate Running Thunder, the band, or other cheering sections too closely. We're unofficial, and yes, we can be off-color. I try to make the signs and jeers clever before resorting to potty-talk. Yelling "F--- You" at the last game probably wasn't the best idea I've come up with this season, but it seemed appropriate in the heat of the moment. We all acknowledge that the song we yelled afterward ("If you're ugly and you know it, you're 34") was much better.

We're trying to get things going that we'll do during specific points in the game (e.g. during the tipoff, during the player introductions). We're trying to create an atmosphere of being fired up for games regardless of who's winning. We're brand new; Running Thunder dropped the ball and now we get to run with it.

Bear with us. Tradition takes time.

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