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Date Posted: 01/10/03 5:00pm
Author: Colt
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Subject: Re: Good job Bromely
In reply to: Stangman 's message, "Good job Bromely" on 01/10/03 3:22pm

Stangman, I agree Bromley is doing a pretty good job and certainly better than Schneider but one has to ask are losses such as Utah State occurring because Poly does not have the players or becasue the players are not being placed in a position by the coaches to win.

For example, in the Utah State game, Poly was outrebounded by 18 boards. This is clearly why they lost because the shooting percentage and turnovers for each team were pretty even. But was the poor rebounding a result of poor execution by the players (e.g. Kamara 1 board in 19 minutes, Patterson 0-boards in 20 minutes, Shilling 2-boards in 33 minutes) or because the players were not put in a position to collect rebounds.

Past game data suggests Poly has the players as evidenced by Shilling's astounding rebound total of 17 boards several games ago. Additionally, Kamara had 14. So obviously, they can clean glass.

So why the dramatic fall-off against Utah State? I believe it's because Coach Bromley is not adjusting his defensive sets to allow for a solid defense and rebounding.

In summary, the Mustangs are very much improved but the coaches have a way to go until significant kudos are forthcoming.

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  • Re: Green and Gold drool cup -- Harry"Wipe that chin"Pairatesties, 01/11/03 11:51am
  • Re: I hate to point out the obvious.... -- Stangman, 01/14/03 3:09pm

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