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Date Posted: 01/17/03 10:41am
Author: Colt
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Subject: Win, Yes...But Kamara is killing the Stangs

Any win is a good win but if you get behind the numbers, the Stangs continue to have big problems. Especially from the 4 spot which is killing the rest of the team and surpressing the effectiveness of Shilling at the 3.

Sure the Mustangs pulled out what could have been a run away win but Kamara is just killing the team and the numbers support this.

As the box scores validate, Kamara has made the following contribution in the last three games during which the Mustangs went 1-2.

Utah State - 1 rebound in 19 minutes
Idaho - 0 rebounds in 22 minutes
Pacific - 0 in 17 minutes

As a consequence of Kamara's poor work on the glass and lack of scoring, others have had to pick-up the slack. From the 3 spot, Shilling had 8 points and 8 boards against UOP but when he's crashing the boards, he's not shooting which should be his biggest contribution to the team.

To further make this point, Allen from the 2 spot had 7 rebounds against UOP. He played more minutes (37) but he's on the perimeter. Therefore, getting 7 boards is really impressive. Allen also had 4 assists and NO TURNOVERS...Nice game!

If you're not going to score to help the team, you better be doing some major glass cleaning. Kamara is doing neither and therefore Bromley should bench Kamara until he toughens-up and begins to make an effort. As it is, he's nothing more than a big stiff.

By the way, where's Patterson? The box score shows he has not played the last two games.

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