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Subject: Brett Harvey's Shot

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Date Posted: 12:38:16 01/26/09 Mon

For those who werent there yesterday, here is a video of the shot Brett Harvey hit to send it to overtime. It was defended fairly well but there was just enough space to get the shot off. Probably should have fouled before the shot.


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[> Subject: If they weren't going to foul the guy bringing up the ball...

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Date Posted: 17:09:07 01/26/09 Mon

Then don't you have to cover man to man. Loyola used 3 players to "bring" the ball up as Marist defended with 2. Harvey didn't have a defender within 3 feet of him until the shot was up. Who missed the assignment, or just a great scheme against the defense by loyola?
[> Subject: Re: Brett Harvey's Shot

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Date Posted: 19:15:41 01/26/09 Mon

Devezin could have fouled before the pass to Harvey. There would have been less than 2 seconds left. Game, set and match. The guy was dribbling, not even possible to get in the act of shooting. That should never happen. Weir's partner worried about a make followed by a miss and a 3 point basket. The odds of that are astronomical. You never see that happen. Usually the guy screws up the shot or there's a lane violation. It was amazing that he buried it...
[> [> Subject: I thought foul too, but Marist held them to a heave

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Date Posted: 20:04:17 01/26/09 Mon

At least from where I was sitting it was a 35 foot almost turnaround heave. I can't blame them at all for that. I am also sure they had a plan to throw up a shot as fouled, getting 3 foul shots if done correctly. Patsos plans that stuff out ahead of time I bet you.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I thought foul too, but Marist held them to a heave

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Date Posted: 17:30:29 01/27/09 Tue

It's not over analyzing.. That wasn't really a heave. It was a legitimate shot. I always say foul or make sure it is a true heave.. That was a long three but they allowed it to be one that was a shot and not a heave. We'll tip our hats.He made a nice shot.. If you aren't gonna foul there, you have to execute better than they did. There are always two schools of thought on that. Mine is if there are less than 7 seconds left, let them take 3 dribbles and foul at midcourt. If they throw perfect passes and get the shot off before you foul so be it. I think if you foul at 3 seconds or under, you'd win 99 out of 100 times.
[> [> Subject: Listen to the Loyola press conference on GoRedFoxes

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Date Posted: 20:34:06 01/26/09 Mon

Patsos is such an enigma. He rants like a madman during the game, then goes 180 and gives a lecture on Marist basketball history during the press conference. Talks about playing at McCann, how he set up the final play in regulation, and the defense on Marist (Hall's) shot. I'm really starting to feel sorry for Hall. Circumstances have really conspired against him lately.

Regarding the last shot video. IMO Harvey was afforded the room and time to square up pretty good when he took the shot. I wouldn't exactly classify it as a heave. I don't think there was a Marist defender within 4 feet of him when he started to go up. Which eloquently makes the 20/20 hindsight case for fouling. Unless Marist was really concerned about getting the ball in bounds after Loyola made the free throws, which was a good bet since they made 27 already in the game.

Heartbreak City for the past two weeks any way you slice it.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: Listen to the Loyola press conference on GoRedFoxes

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Date Posted: 09:04:32 01/27/09 Tue

Oldfox, what are the odds that he makes that shot again. I don't care if the defender was 6 feet away from him, the chances are 1 out of 10 probably. I think you guys are over-analyzing this!

It's easy to be the coach after the play is over.
[> [> [> [> Subject: Your probably right. :-)

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Date Posted: 09:05:47 01/27/09 Tue

[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Listen to the Loyola press conference on GoRedFoxes

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Date Posted: 21:46:14 01/27/09 Tue


I liked the way Coach Martin answered the question. He gave them the strategy. They just didn't execute, plus the guy made a bomb.. Honestly, seeing his press conferences leaves no doubt in my mind that Marist will be the top dog in the MAAC real soon.

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