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Subject: How much has Siena....

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Date Posted: 08:45:03 01/17/09 Sat
In reply to: Yankee 's message, "Why not us, WHY NOT US?" on 21:42:47 01/16/09 Fri

stepped in poop these last two off seasons when bad recruiting mistakes (Braga and Carr) leave the program and it turns into Magee and Downey. Downey is already a legend after Thursday, you would have thought he played the full 45 minutes rather than coming off the bench super fresh and out of necessity in the waning moments of the game. Siena actually got a break when the POY fouled out. If Franklin isn't the Siena MVP I don't know who is. That kid represents everything that Marist needs up front. You hardly notice he is on the court, check the box score and he has 17 and 10.

I'm still waiting for Ubiles to play up to his potential. He must be there to pump us the crowd with "360" dunks at the end of home victories, because he is usually about the 3rd most effective player on Siena whenever I tune in.

Yankee, I don't know how you can say who Marist needs to avoid in the tournament when they haven't played Loyola, Fairfield, or Canisius. Frankly, the team that Marist looked the worse against was Rider. I don't get your great fear of Iona, they struggle to score and Marist has a win against them already. Rider, Fairfield, and Siena have dominated Marist since Jordan graduated.

I understand that Martin wants to get Alex V as much playing time as possible. IMO over the past couple of games Bauer is the guy that has helped the most. JB ads the toughness on the defensive end, but his hands make him nearly useless on offense. At least Bauer is an offensive threat and not totally inept on defense.

One small comment on Thursdays game. I was really surprise not to see Taylor at all. He has been the instant offense guy and could have afforded the lead guards a couple of more minutes of rest.

A win against Loyola would be huge. As a fan, finishing out of the PIG would be a validation of sorts for all Martin and the kids have overcome. It's gonna be tough because they are so young and inexperienced, but it would be a further sign that the group clearly has a bigger upside.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How much has Siena....

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Date Posted: 18:33:56 01/17/09 Sat

When did Siena win at Trenton???? They have 3 titles as far as I know. Not that great considering they've been able to play the majority of the tournaments on their home floor. They don't beat Marist in 2002 (down 18 or 19) or last year (down 17) if the tournament wasn't on their home court. Hell, it's nice to have advantages..

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