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Subject: Re: Actually you are wrong about Schneider...

baby ruth
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Date Posted: 15:56:28 01/17/09 Sat
In reply to: Oldfox 's message, "Actually you are wrong about Schneider..." on 13:31:58 01/17/09 Sat

i thought it was pretty obvious that i was being sarcastic about the maac tournament coming to mccann. and as for the home court edge, in the past 15 years, siena has won 2 championships at the TUC and 2 at other arenas (buffalo and trenton). what is the excuse for those other two? "siena has too many fans, that is a huge disadvantage for the other schools?"

regarding schneider...i stand by my comment that he is one of the best shooters. i think you are taking it a bit too far by saying one of the best overall. ubiles is by far the superior player, if you dispute that, you are just being silly. schneider would get a lot of pt for siena but he would not come close to starting for them. if you pay attention to fran's pre or post game comments each game you would realize that every team has a player that is "as good as anyone in the country".

all in all, i give marist credit for having the saints beaten for 38 minutes. good teams win at home and on road. for marist to be considered one of those teams they need to prove they can do both. history proves otherwise, but a new coach could lead to a new future...good luck.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

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Date Posted: 16:54:21 01/17/09 Sat

but he's been singing Schneider's praises since the pre-season. I'll take the guy at his word, he strikes me as a straight shooter.

Schneider... Ignore the numbers if you want, he is much more than a shooter.

When Kenny is right Ubiles is the 3rd best player on your team. Franklin is the other. People seem mesmerized by his athletic ability. To me, its the other guys that put Siena in a position to win.

No argument about where Marist is right now. They have to win on the road before people can claim they are any kind of contender.

[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

baby ruth
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Date Posted: 21:17:53 01/17/09 Sat

its just not us who are mesmerized by his athletic ability...

[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Good for him, I hope he makes it.

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Date Posted: 21:24:15 01/17/09 Sat

[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

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Date Posted: 10:59:54 01/18/09 Sun

His first step is way too slow. He couldn't do anything when played hard by Marist. He can't get by anyone. He'll shoot over people but that doesn't happen in the NBA. It's sort of like boxing. Get up close and a guy with reach is rendered useless. I don't think Ubiles has a quick first step. If you leave him room to move he's tough. Get right up on him and he can't really do much. If you could combine him and Hasbrouck you'd have something. Not saying that he isn't a great MAAC player. The NBA guys are so good it's scary. I watched a few unsung heroes on Wake Forest who are going to be NBA players. Teague has some real high flyers on that squad. They're the best team I've seen. That includes Carolina...

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