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Date Posted: 03:03:47 01/27/05 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: How beautiful... is repentance, where can I see it?
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

but as long as their is a sincere and earnest intent to find God

Sincere and earnest interest to find God includes being ready to be corrected and to repent for sins. UBF leaders are not ready for this, thus they are not sincere and earnest.

Ordinary UBF members may be sincere and earnest, but they are mislead, they unlearn to think on their own and get more and more immature and/or corrupt the longer they stay. Also, they tend to defend UBF at all costs to maintain their world view, neglecting reality and Biblical standards. This isn't sincere and earnest either, it is cult mentality.

Sacrificing many things for your "sake" will not make you look beautiful in the eyes of God. Repenting will.

Did you ever read things like the following in the Bible?

"Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

Where can I see justice and righteousness applied in UBF? I see only covering up and self-appraisal.

Let me ask another question: Do you think Jehovah's Witnesses have a sincere and earnest intent to find God? I think you agree. So, is everything fine with the JWs?

I have personnally not witnessed any other people who spend as much time studying the Bible besides proffessional theologians.

I saw many of such people when I left UBF. Also, there is a difference between studying the Bible and ruminating UBF ideology, that's what they really spent a lot of time with. I will refuse to call this Bible study.

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  • Repentance, Exactly... -- bruce, 07:43:38 01/27/05 Thu

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