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Date Posted: 18:29:13 01/28/05 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: This posting makes very little sense
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

Dear "D o L,"

I must say that your post lacks any sort of logical coherence. It is very hard to understand what point it is you are trying to get across. There doesn't even seem to be a point, other than to praise UBF.

>Even if it is several teachers are corrupt, it is
>inevitable. We all know this is human nature.Still,
>that does not justify condemning and generalizing all
>of them so.

Do you realize what you're saying? You're saying, "So a few people are corrupt, that's to be expected. It's human nature." Is that a Christian concept? No. The Christian concept would be, "Is there corruption? If so, let's get rid of it."

Point two. You say that we are condemning UBF leaders or members. You make use of loaded language. We all know full well that only God stands as judge of peoples' eternal fate. We have not condemned UBF leaders. UBF leaders and members have condemned themselves by their own actions.

Point three. You accuse us of generalization. I have not met every UBF member. However, I have enough experience with UBF. I don't know any Moonies. But would I be wrong if I said that every Moonie is a brainwashed person and that every Moonie leader is a manipulative authority abuser? Chances are, I would be right. I think I have a high chance of being correct if I were to say that every UBF member is brainwashed or in the process of being brainwashed, and that every UBF shepherd employs cult tactics.

>What I see here is a group of imperfect people trying
>their best to save lives and the utmost best
>intentions ready to sacrifice anything, however the
>issue of leadership I still cannot conclude.
>Nevertheless, as all humans are fallible, their effort
>is notable. ... Their intentions are highly noble, ...

It is true that UBF people put forth a lot of effort. But what is the use of it all? All their efforts go toward building up UBF and making more UBFers.

What intentions do UBFers have that you think are highly noble?

>Most people in UBF are good people if not

Please define why you think most UBF people are good people. And what qualities you consider to be "good."

>Nonetheless, through my experience with people in and
>out, both sides are passionate and I can empathize
>with both.

From the way you write it sounds like you can't empathize with us at all. You certainly don't understand where we are coming from. I suggest you read the information on rsqubf, ubf-info and escapeubf - and please think while reading!

>Although I am not familiar with Samuel
>Lee's tactics and trainings and even though I think
>they are as absurd as many of you do, I still cannot
>dismiss them in this manner.

If you have experienced UBF, then you have experienced Ee Chang Woo's tactics. Every UBF leader is in some way a clone of Ee.

>For many times I have
>seen true genuine compassion and love in their hearts,
>however you say they do not, and generalize them to be

Sadly, you appear to have been deceived. During 5 years in UBF, I saw only false compassion and conditional love. UBF is evil. Would you like to dispute the subject in detail?

>They do much to help, that is definitely true.

Again you are sadly deceived. All they do is help perpetuate the UBF scam.

>Maybe the leaders can gain something, but the
>common shephard is pouring out his heart and go out of
>his own way for his sheep.

As is the case in most cults, the leaders are narcissists. The "shepherds" or sub-leaders, are mindless automata operating under the leaders' control. For five years, I was such an automaton.

>Many sheep do not often see
>the tribulations faced by the common shephards and
>missionaries, these sincere people who only wish to
>reach out to the pained and afflicted of the world.
>You cannot deny that.

Yes I can and I do. The common UBF person does nothing for the pained and afflicted of the world. Many pained and afflicted people enter UBF, believing that they will find help. Instead, they find only that greater pains and afflictions are heaped on them. The "sheep"'s need are never met - it is the "shepherd's" needs who are met. The "shepherd" needs a "sheep" in order to be a good UBFer.

>Many men and women in the UBF
>ministry are sincere in their desire to help the lost.

This is a common characteristic of cults. Members think that non-members are "lost" and therefore must be brought into the group to be "saved."

>I know that you too know the feeling when looking at
>the pained people in this world who have no need to be

I don't need to look at other people. I know pain well enough myself. The amount of pain inflicted on me by UBF is immeasurable.

>There is no
>Earthly glory in this ministry, and if not the Glory
>of God, then what is the purpose of this? Why do these
>shephards sacrifice so much and deny themselves for
>the sheeps' sake? Are they deluded?

Why do JW's and Mormons and Moonies sacrifice so much of their time and efforts for their organizations? Because of their psychological dependency on the cult system. This is well-documented. Are they deluded? You bet!

>I have
>personnally not witnessed any other people who spend
>as much time studying the Bible besides proffessional

UBF members pretend to study the Bible. Really they study UBFism - a man-made anti-Christian ideology. The meanings of Bible passages and verses are twisted to fit the ideology.

>These people devote every single minute
>of their free time alone to read the Word and try with
>their own hearts to find God, not through the heart of
>Samuel Lee.

These people are at best legalists, and would do well to read the letter to the Galatians.

>Because the works of the common
>shephards and missionaries have moved me, and their
>genuine love and purity cannot be denied.

Yes apparently they have moved you. And you are now thinking exactly the way they want you to think. Mind control works.

>You may see it as a cult, it could be, but as long as
>their is a sincere and earnest intent to find God, it
>shall be done.

If any UBF member has a sincere and earnest intent to find God, he will find that his UBF leader will do everything possible to squelch that desire. He will find that his UBF leader will pressure him to make UBF his god. However, in most cases this process is incomplete. There is a good chance that after a few months, or after several years, he will realize what has happened. Then he will discover that he must leave the unhealthy spiritual environment of UBF in order to make any progress in finding God. (Apologies for using masculine pronouns in this paragraph.)

-- Anonymous ex-UBFer

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