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Date Posted: 09:25:29 01/30/05 Sun
Author: Tony Lang
Subject: Re: My thoughts on your posting
In reply to: Anonymous 's message, "My thoughts on your posting" on 18:54:19 01/29/05 Sat

Yes Anonymous, I have seen useful dialogue with hard core ubf members. I have done it. With one who I am not going to name because I respect confidentiality, I have exchanged probably over sixty emails. I consider it very profitable .
When I see a posting from a UBF member I always ask myself the question, Why did they write?. It may be a simple attack. or it may be an expression something different. It may be an expression of a certain need, possibly of an unrecognised need. There is no way I can know.
What do I do when I start a correspondence. First of all I try to get an e-mail address, the web is a bit too public. The letter DoL wrote was attacked by a lot people,maybe rightly so. However this must have been rather frightening for him/her. This is why I think some correspondence fails. Well then I dont start with arguements. I look at what I can agree with first. Then I try to get to know the person, and to let them get to know me. I try to show respect. Until this happens they are not going to really listen to what I say, and vice versa. When one reaches the stage that one trusts each other, then one can sometimes start to talk. I try to be empathetic. I try to put myself in their shoes. Now if I was a ubf member would I have replied to your letter? Think about that. Remember he who winneth souls is wise.
Now there is a big problem here. All this takes time, and patience, and we live in an age that wants instant answers, NOW!. This sadly is not going to happen.
Dear Anonymous, I have a track record of making things happen. I work in a part of the World where most people would be afraid to go to. I am not as stupid as you might think, fools do not last long here.
One of the problems that I think ubf caused, was that it created a mind set that could only think in one way. Sadly I think that this can continue long after people have left the organisation. Sorry to say that, but I suspect that I sometimes see it here.
I am not trying to be arguementative, just to introduce a new type of thinking. Deep down I probably have the same motivations as you do. Our Lord desired that we bear fruit, he did not desire that we just win arguements.
To Mike and Chris I will say this. I have a lot of admiration for the German people, you have a great work ethic, of which many countries are jealous, technically you have given the world, BMW Audi, VW, Porsche, and countless other things. Germany is not the most popular Nation, and often the reason for this is I think just plain jealousy on the part of others. But I have to say that many of us think that you are innovators and not creators. I think it will be a long time before you win the Eurovision Song Contest!
I once flew Korea to Britain on Lufthansa. The food was excellent, the seats were the most comfortable that I have ever sat in, the service was great. BUT the in-flight entertainment was really boring.
Writing is a gift of God. Writing is an Art. A good writer is an artist who paints pictures with words. Too often our words and letters are obvious and predictable. Myself included. I feel a burden to try to develop this gift. This is something that I feel we all need to pray about Mathew, Mark Luke and John were ordinary people, and they proved the pen is mightier than the sword.
UBF is not a healthy church for people to be in. There are christians in that organisation, and to a certain point it might help some of them to grow. However there comes a certain point where this will cease, and the result will be stagnation or worse.
UBF have started writing to us. It did not use to happen I see this as an opportunity, for a number of reasons I dont think we have effectively used it.
What I have written is something I feel strongly about. I do feel a responsibility to those still in ubf. Because of time constraints this has been imperfectly written and I might have offended some. If that is the case it was not my intention and I will apologise in advance.
I would like to further add that during my time in ubf I saw no abuse, but with hindsight looking back I saw things that cause me now some unease, sometime in the future I will write about them.
God Bless you all. Germans included.

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