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Date Posted: 01:19:56 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Unworthy (Definition of Love)
Subject: Re: not beautiful, not love, not Jesus
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "not beautiful, not love, not Jesus" on 11:17:32 01/27/05 Thu

This is all very funny.. so very funny.. You.. ignorant people.. immediately assume.. that I am brainwashed... this is very funny.. VERY FREAKIN FUNNY INDEED :-D

Truthfully.. YOu are... truly astounding... Such.. arrogance..

First off, I am not brainwashed, and believe me I am an expert on brainwashing, and i think i could possibly know more about it than you, My field is brainwashing. And the thing is you are probably more brainwashed than you think, My field is more about the media

Go here http://www.rense.com/general15/tr.htm

I probably know more about brainwashing than you do, since this is my field, but I can be wrong, I don't want to be arrognat in that sense

You did not arrive at your conclusions by yourself, you were taught this at ubf meetings, thru the repetitive hammerings of the ubf messages

That .. HAHAHA... is so wrong.. I am a researcher, I am an objective man. Don't assume this pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseee... I did arrive at these conclusions myself, I was not hammered repetitive ubf messages, and i was not taught this at ubf meetings. I never even attended one officially. If anything I was spying. And that is true. UBF messages? I wrote some voluntarily for the kids UBF. I investigated doctrine, nothing much wrong there.

about those who are doing wrong and abusing and stealing and false teaching in the pretense of doing 'God's work'.

Show me hard objective proof. I want to see this for myself. Or will this end up like another Billy Graham. Read my other post, and you'll see what I mean.

The gospel of the grace of God does not require anyone to join ubf. The gospel of the grace of God only requires that we acknowledge the uconditional grace of forgiveness of all our sins thru Jesus' death. We acknowledge this one time, but it lasts us for all time. The moment we acknowledge the grace of forgiveness thru Jesus' death, at that very moment we become a new creation in Christ and are sealed in Christ forever by the Holy Spirit.

I completely agree with that. No one in UBF, that I have met so far has ever said that people must join UBF to gain salvation, in fact, they have said, UBF is simply a foundation people can come to for their journey in Christ. They are not bound here, they may leave when they are ready if they so want, UBF is simply a platform, like other ministries, it isn't a requirement, a simple path to God, nothing more. How ironic, and absurd you say such things. If it is contradicted. SHOW ME REAL PROOF. And yes I have gone to many places and asked myself, and stayed and secretly observed, even though i don't think that's good, but I had to know

hope you may acknowledge Jesus only, that He died for our sins, his one time death covers all the sins for all time, even for the sins we didn't commit yet (we do not lose our salvation by sinning again, nobody stops sinning). You may not like this, but the Jesus of ubf is not the Jesus of the Bible. I said it, it is true, please find out the truth for yourself. It makes all the difference.

Um... there is no "Jesus of UBF" This is quite absurd. You are trying to talk to me like a child I see. I have done my research, and cannot conclude it that way :-D. I don't only go to UBF you know, I go to many other churches surrounding my area. I don't even live in the same state as the UBF chapter I attend!! lol. But i go every week, and go to another church nearby afterwards, pretty busy day actually. I get home pretty late. Anyways, there is no official Jesus figure or anything, believe it or not, there is simply no such thing. It's a personal ministry, where you find Jesus yourself. The true Jesus, not words, but the real person.

You can go on saying how dedicated these ubfpeople are, but they are dedicated to the wrong teachings and also to incredibly hardened, unrepentant sinners who call themselves spiritual giants.

Um... Actually.. many people don't really have relation to the leaders.. many don't even talk to them much, many do of course, but people like me who rarely ever spend time with them, just spend most their time reaching out to others. lol. Funny how you mention that, no one I know actually are um... dedicated to these spiritual giants in this idolic way you perceive, quite the opposite, we are faithful with respect, like all people to their pastors, but they are human too, nothing more, so what? We can depend on them for advice sometimes, but they are fallible, and so we depend on God himself, not men. :)

Quite frankly, everything you have said so far... was.. dare I say it...? Refuted by... nothing.. other than a UBF message!!!! Amazing.. the things that you said they teach?? Not there, actually ironically, I had a problem of doubt to of UBF, and i prayed that God would answer me, not based on my human intuition, but to be led by God only. And he has answered it to me. 3 times so far today. And a UBF message too! everything you said UBF stood for, well.. an example UBF message.. just did not teach what you said? How can that be? A UBF exemplary message did not have any false doctrince, it was quite sound, and the things you and many others described, were flatly refuted in many ways. I think you should look at the thigns yourself, not with an arrogant heart, such arrogance! such a common trait here at this website, where has humility gone?

There is no Jesus of UBF, there is simply Jesus. The doctrine is sound, and everything you have been said is not only testified by the fruit of UBF, but by the teachings themselves!!!

Amazing huh. I just found your entire message absurd, I'm sorry. A simple clarification is needed please, amidst this bizzarre and twisted rendition of UBF made by a just a couple discontent and angry ppl :)

I pray for you too :)

Check it man. Lose da Tude 8-)

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