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Date Posted: 16:42:12 10/25/04 Mon
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: Example from Luke 9:48
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Example from Luke 9:48" on 15:00:12 10/25/04 Mon

Dear friends,

I think Chris did a tremendous job, here. His example is very simple and irrefutable. Thanks Chris.

I would like to suggest that nobody has to be well versed in doctrine to be able to see through the false doctrine at ubf. I would like to point out how the most novice Bible student may refute the ubf, totally, every time. It is so easy. Let me know what you think.

ubf says there are only three elements of Bible study: observation, interpetation, and application. (There are more, but for today I will use their premise.) OK, but did you know there are 8 Rules of Bible interpretation? That one step has eight rules that need to be followed. I have a feeling ubf has never taught what are the eight rules of Bible interpretation.

There are 8 rules of Bible interpretation. Do you know them? Please read this and let me know what you think.

I accuse KHong of breaking the first rule of Bible interpetation, that is, 'The rule of definition'.

1) The rule of DEFINITION: What does the word mean? Any study of Scripture must begin with a study of words. Define your terms and then keep to the terms defined. The interpreter should conscientiously abide by the plain meaning of the words. We must not violate the known usage of a word and invent another for which there is no precedent. Consider the Bereans in Acts 17:10-12 who were called "noble" because they searched the Scriptures daily to determine if what Paul taught them was true. This quite often may require using a Hebrew/English or Greek/English lexicon in order to make sure that the sense of the English translation is understood.

(OK, so much for the free Bible interpretation lesson. This is exactly what every new student at any reputable Bible college will learn, if he/she didn't already know that. But ubf never goes over the rules of Bible interpretation. Now back to the bogus message by KHong.)

As a result of violating the Rule of Definition, KHong allowed himself to also violate the context and the historical background of the passage, and many rules of logic and inference. If you read KHong's spiel, there is no Bible context or historical background. Because we know these people, we can see thru them and realize they are using context and background that they derive from Confucius/Korean/ubf, not from the Bible.

To me, it looks like once KHOng decided to violate the rule of definition, he was off to the races, spewing all kinds of dark ubf ideas. His inspiration was not the Holy Sprit, who allows to understand the Bible. KHong's inspiration was his crooked idea that to be a ubfin is the greatest work of God.

Any comments? Is that correct, or messed up, or what? Pls comment.

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  • Another example from Luke 9:48 -- Chris, 18:53:11 10/25/04 Mon

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