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Date Posted: 12:35:46 12/02/04 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: DiscipleMakers
In reply to: UBF member 's message, "Re: Don't gloss over tremendous danger at ubf" on 11:07:39 12/02/04 Thu

I can only judge based on their homepage. Yes, there are some similarities. But there are also big differences:

- DiscipleMakers are not a church as UBF. They are supplementary ministry. Elders are required to be members of an evangelical church outside from DiscipleMakers.
- Students are not expected to stay forever in the ministry. It is only during for a certain phase in life.
- Two points they claim on their homepage are:
- Culturally relevant evangelism (different from UBF)
- participate in, consult with and serve churches (different from UBF)
- They have their bylaws and financial audit published on the web site and are certified by the ECFA. UBF has never published its financial records or bylaws.
- They clearly tell you what you will expect and which ways of coworking exist. They publish "job description." People voluntarily apply for these jobs. UBF doesn't tell you plans they have for you when they invite you for Bible study. I never saw a job description or any written rules.
- They have a clear position on "Gener roles". I don't want to discuss whether it is biblical or not. But they make a written statement. UBF never makes written statements. Why is UBF's top leader a woman? If it is biblical, why are aren't there more women leaders in UBF?
- The names of the board of directors are published, and there are contact addresses. In UBF, even this is obscure. You cannot find out from the homepage, and even most UBF members don't know.
- They don't seem to have a long troubled track record of absuse as UBF has

This is what I could conclude from the web site. Whether it is really a healthy group or has similar or different problems as UBF (though probably not so extreme) is a different question. I personally find their overemphasis on financial issues and fund raising, their not emphasizing the importance of proper theological/biblical education and their emphasis on training, mentoring, discipling and 1:1 relations and some other details disturbing (in this order). It is also problematic when organizations have a too prominent founder and president, because he tends to be glorified too much and quickly gets beyond criticism. If you click on "About us," for instance, you are immediately confronted with a picture of the president. Maybe symptomatic.

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