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Date Posted: 16:19:56 02/01/05 Tue
Author: PECAS
Subject: John 2:1-11.
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "New thread on doctrine" on 10:27:55 10/22/04 Fri

Finding a good Bible study after leaving UBF is important. One of the values to the Bible study will be to cleanse one's mind of how UBF studies various scriptures. One startling example for me was John 2:1-11, in which Jesus turns water into wine.

In UBF, one of the points of this scripture is obedience toward men. The servants who fill the water jars and then serve the wine to the wedding guests in obedience to Jesus are featured prominantly during the message and in the one-to-one Bible study. The UBF shepherd or messenger will point out that the servants were given a difficult task to fill six water jars with approximately thirty gallons of water per jar. But the servants did not question Jesus, but obeyed absolutely, filling the jars to the brim. Then, the servants obey Jesus' direction to give the water to the guests even though they had not yet observed the water turning into wine. The application for UBF members is that they should obey direction from shepherds that seems difficult, burdensome, or unusual at the time and trust that God will reveal his purpose in the future. The obedience of the servants was so prominent in UBF's study of John 2:1-11. that I remembered this point above Jesus' miracle.

Last week, I participated in a group Bible study in which John 2:1-11 was studied. I was sitting there waiting for the leader to ask about the obedience of the servants. This never happened. The study lasted more than one hour, but the servants' obedience was not discussed. Instead, the focus was on Jesus' miracle, Jesus' purpose in performing the miracle, and how the disciples and other witnesses reacted to Jesus' miracle. The focus was on Jesus' miracle.

I studied John's gospel two times in UBF. I studied Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, and Romans twice. I studied Joshua, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and Phillipians once. The point that UBF hammered into me about each scripture. Often, UBF would study a passage of scriptre by focusing on obedience toward men and the work of men rather than the work of God and its meaning for us.

In Christ,


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