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Date Posted: 21:37:49 09/17/04 Fri
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: Lee's death
In reply to: Bob 's message, "Lee's death" on 20:38:55 09/17/04 Fri

>I am sure most of you have discussed this topic at
>lenght on this forum (Lee's death). I was in ubf at
>the time of Lee's death and I was lead to believe that
>his wife found him dead in the bathroom after he had
>taken a shower, and that his death was very
>"peaceful". I was never told anything about a fire,
>or him being sick in bed. I was lead to believe he
>died from natural causes.

I was told by my UBF sources (my loyal-to-UBF parents) that he died of smoke inhalation in the fire.

>I have read everything I could find on this forum
>about Lee's death and I am still a little confused.
>How did he die, from the fire? Or from pnuemonia?
>Did the firemen find him in the bathroom and carry him
>out? Did the firemen find him dead? If any knows the
>answers will you please inform me? It seems that
>there is a dispute between current ubf members and
>ex-ubf members.

You probably read this and this. He died of smoke inhalation in the fire, and the firemen found him dead. I can't believe there still a dispute about this. Where did you hear of this dispute? In your former chapter? And why does it even matter?

>Also, while I was in ubf I met an American man from
>Cincinnati who said he has written a book named
>"Crossing the Red Sea".

Did you happen to catch this person's name?

>This book should be out this
>fall, he said it would be in all the major bookstores.

I'll be holding my breath all Fall in anticipation. I wonder who would publish it. Zondervan? (BTW, that's a joke.) Then when (more like IF) amazon.com and bn.com pick it up, I and others can write glowing reviews.

BTW, would it be fiction or non-fiction?

> He has been in ubf for 20 years faithfully and he
>said his book will help give ubf a good reputation.

I'm having a hard time remembering a non-Korean male who's been in the Cinci UBF for 20 years. Griggs died, so it wouldn't be him. Is Fensel still there? Martin moved to N. Carolina, and I don't think either Fensel or Martin have been 20 years in UBF. Is it David Miller?

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