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Date Posted: 03:27:38 11/27/04 Sat
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: how to end
In reply to: visitor 's message, "how to end" on 21:07:49 11/26/04 Fri

I'm assuming that each of you have different opinions on how ubf should be handled, probably ranging from the leaders repentance to the complete disbanding of the organization.

I think formulated that way it is an idle question, because we have no influence on that. Neither can we shut down UBF, since operating a cult per se is not forbidden by law, nor can we make leaders repent. We can help in challenging them, but repentance and change of heart can only be achieved by the Holy Spirit, but unfortunately they do not seem to listen to Him or maybe He has already stopped speaking to them.

So the question is not how others handle UBF. Nothing can be done here except challenging the leaders, revealing and explaining the sins and problems of UBF, and warning those who are targeted by UBF.

If you ask how UBF should handle their own problems, the steps that should be taken first are:
- Stopping denial mode, starting to read the testimonies of those who have been hurt and the warnings about shepherding/discipling
- Admitting and confessing that there are real, concrete and severe problems
- Repenting (real repentance with change of heart)
- Apologizing to those who have been hurt
(General rule: Public and systemic sins and failures need to be treated publicly, private sins and personal issues privately)
- Starting to study and understand the spiritual roots of the problems

Only after that, the question arises how UBF should continue (so far, they did not even get over the first step). Everything depends very much no how far leaders and members really have understood the nature of the problems and repented. If they really have repented, everything would be possible. The organization would not necessarily have to be disbanded. But as a matter of course, it would change its modus operandi to Biblical patterns and thus would be a completely different one. Authoritarian one-man-leadership would not exist any more. Anyway, we need not speculate. It probably will never happen.

Let me quote from a a passage written by Pat Zukeran:

Can abusive churches change? Although with God all things are possible, it is my opinion that it is highly unlikely that this will happen. Although a few have, they are the exceptions.

Why is change in these organizations so difficult? One reason is that change usually begins in the leadership. However, the leadership structure is designed so that the leader has control over the personnel. Although there may be a board, the individuals on the board are ultimately selected by the authoritarian leader. He selects men and women loyal to him, who do not question him, or hold him accountable. Therefore, he insulates himself from dealing with difficult issues or addressing his unhealthy practices.

Dysfunctional leaders also resist change because it is an admission of failure. In order for a genuine change of heart, leaders must first acknowledge a problem and repent. However, a leader who considers himself "God’s man" [in UBF: "the servant of God"] or the spokesman for God will rarely humble himself to confess his shortcomings. Spiritual wholeness and renewal cannot be achieved until unhealthy behavior is recognized and dealt with. Unless this behavior is confronted, the likelihood of real change is diminished.

In UBF, the whole thing is even more difficult, because of the Concucianistic background and because the problem exists already so long, it is too deeply rooted in UBF. It is hard to imagine that it can be rooted out without eradicating all of UBF. The apostle Paul told the church in Corinth they should get rid of the old yeast. But this is very difficult when there is more yeast than batch. Also, UBF has already missed many golden opportunities to change. The last one was the reform movement of the year 2001. So, there is little hope they will ever change. Anyway, this should not deter current members to push and pray for a change with all their hearts. The future of UBF is not in our hands, but in the hands of God and in the hands of its members.

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  • Why to spank -- ts, 04:07:26 11/27/04 Sat

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