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Date Posted: 23:56:26 07/10/04 Sat
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Wilhelm Busch
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Jesus Imitators" on 03:12:54 07/10/04 Sat

You have to point people to Jesus, and make yourself more and more unnecessary for them.

This is nearly the quote from Pastor Wilhelm Busch.
I read a book from him once where this sentence burnt into my mind:
"The job of the pastor is to make himself superfluous so that God's flock can see in his living how to live a Christian life without depending on others to tell them what to do and where or when to do it."
Now, just replace "pastor" with the anglicized word "shepherd" and you see where UBF SHOULD be going but doesn't.
After the initial phase of bringing people to the Lord, a "shepherd" can and should interfere less and less with the life of the "sheep" until he doesn't need to say anything. In UBF, it's rather the other way around, after you're being introduced to Christ, you're dragged away, led more and more to obey the human shepherd instead of the shepherd trying his best to get out of your way of worshipping God.

But in the end, this is a fundamental truth. If one can't point others away from themselves and to Christ instead, they're not worthy to be called a disciple of Christ, because they are not practising to "decrease, but Christ must increase".

In Christ,
Mike K.

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