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Date Posted: 07:57:30 08/12/04 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: overcoming humanistic ideas
In reply to: Truth seeker 's message, "lack of ethics=absolute attitude=overcoming humanistic ideas" on 15:29:15 08/11/04 Wed

Yes, I remember the argumentation that your heared in India even from Germany. Lying is ok, since Rahab (the prostitute you mentioned) had also lied.

In the messages about the paralytic man with the four friends who made an opening in the roof of the house where Jesus was, they never forgot to mention the fact that it was actually malicious injury of property and breach of domestic peace, but they did it anyway. With this, they want to foster their teaching that violating moral and legal laws and invasion of privacy is ok according to the Bible.

Here is an excerpt from a message about this Bible passage that I found in the Internet. You see how different healthy Bible messages are from UBF messages.

Now it's important to recognize that this "tearing up the roof" was not a destruction of property. Historical background information is helpful and important when interpreting and applying Scripture. A first century home in Palestine had a flat roof composed of large stone tiles which were easy to remove and easy to replace. The tiles were sometimes covered with dirt or sod for insulation purposes. So there was no need to rip up shingles and saw through plywood and beams in order to make a sizable opening in the roof! God is certainly not teaching us from this portion of His Word that it's OK to break the law and destroy property as long as it's for the purpose of getting a person to Christ! The roof was not destroyed or damaged--only temporarily opened up. Remember also that a first century home had an outside staircase up to the flat roof. This enabled the four men to carry their paralytic friend and his bed up to the rooftop without spilling him and without employing an elaborate ladder or block and tackle system! The "bed," of course, was not a heavy inner spring mattress and frame but a lightweight pallet or mattress-like pad. Thus the hole in the roof was not gigantic in size! All of these basic background considerations preserve us from visualizing impossible situations and making wild applications.

[complete message here]

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