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Date Posted: 05:59:48 02/23/02 Sat
Author: Solatia
Subject: Other details...
In reply to: Solatia 's message, "One more thing" on 14:19:32 02/20/02 Wed

She has various brothers and sisters which may all some day join Neara. Some look more like the sun and some like the moon. Solatia is the Sun's daughter. She usually is happy and 'sunny'.

History: When children of the Sun and the Moon were brought to earth, they had only a first name and were told that they must be awarded a second name as the went on their journeys. They all went different ways. Solatia was adopted by a small noble family in the kingdom of Fican. Her adoptive father was a knight and her adoptive mother was a blacksmith. They both taught her what they knew. Basic knowledge, the art of fighting with almost every weapon and handling metal for making powerful weapons and armor. But there was war. She lost her father. She and her mother fled to Candor. In a few days, her mother was lost also. Solatia worked hard in Candor and prepared herself an armor. She went to Fican and fought Lord Deton, the one that had caused her all that loss. Lord Deton fell as the sun rose. She left Fican... There was nothing more she could do... Suddenly the Sun and Moon were seen together in the sky and the wind whispered, "Brave... Fortis... Solatia Fortis... Solatia... Fortis..." She smiled she finaly had her second name. She left once more for Candor and gathered all she had. She would start again. Somewhere far away... Neara.

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