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Date Posted: 13:44:27 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Puere
Subject: Joining

Name: Puere Notu
Race:Human, or at least he seems like it
Age: 20
Material Possesions: A tall metal staff, various robes in all kinds of colors, a black cloak, and various herbs and potion bottles.
Your Stats and Features: He is a mage. He has blue-gray eyes and short black hair. He has whitish skin and is rather handsome. He specializes in Fog magic (air and water element) but can do them all except neocramantic. He rather not fight is he can avoid it and if he must he uses his staff and his magic. He is the Moon's Son.
Attitude: He is probably one of the most kind and optimistic people you will ever meet. He is extremely honest and romantic, but he takes his time with things.
He is a very good listener.
History: When children of the Sun and the Moon were brought to earth, they had only a first name and were told that they must be awarded a second name as the went on their journeys. They all went different ways. Puere Notu was found one day by a mage who, sensing Puere had some supernatural power, raised him as his apprentice. Puere learned the ways of the staff and the art of magic and potion making. One day, his teacher, Notar, told him he must leave. An attack was to be held on their home at midnight, because the had been accused of using black magic. Notar explained to Puere that he had to leave quickly but that he behind must stay becuase if the villagers saw that none of the two wizards where there, they would continue to search for them. Puere always obedient of his master left but with great sorrow. He walk on through the evening and at midnight he saw in the distance scarlet flames where the hut and Notar where. He walk on until dawn. The sun and moon where seen together in the sky and the wind whispered, "Notar...Notu... Puere Notu... Puere... Notu..." He journeyed on with his full named found and reached the Land of Neara...

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