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Date Posted: 15:57:38 03/14/02 Thu
Author: Ocape ((Pronounced: Oh-cap ))
Subject: Joining

Name: Ocape
Race: Human or at least it seems like it... She seems a bit different though...
Gender: Female
Age: In the twenties
Material Possesions: Laser gun (she is from another dimension) but it is hard to use in this dimension becuase of certain things like air pressure and gravity, etc. So if she tries to shoot you she will most likely miss. She doesn't have money becuase once again she comes from another dimension. ((More stuff to be added later))
Your Stats and Features: She is 6' tall. She has dark silver hair that reaches her waist, which she ussually wears in a high ponytail. She has very dark blue eyes (almost black) and is heavily tanned (Indian style). She is very beautiful if it wasn't for that look of pure venom she seems to have. She wears black shiny leather bellbottoms and a black shiny leather blouse and she wears black leather boots.
Attitude: She is always in a bad mood and is very aggresive. She hates everything and everyone. She likes to interrupt and is she isn't talking to you in a angry hiss, she is yelling at you. She is very mean.
History: (will be added shortly)
Other: She is the moon's daughter and Solatia and Puere's sister. Spooky...

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