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Date Posted: 22:27:19 10/03/02 Thu
Author: Tom Fosler
Subject: You have it all wrong...
In reply to: Light Bulb 's message, "Re: WHATS THE POINT" on 22:25:51 10/03/02 Thu

Dear Light Bulb, Laura, and anyone else who holds this bribery opinion regarding RSQUBF:

We have not now nor have we ever received any kind of bribes, whether monetary or otherwise, for the benefit of this website or our ministry. One of the major purposes of RSQUBF is to exemplify what Christianity is supposed to be like and not what UBF has been in the past, which is a money-making business. People have offered to give us money on our website, but we would have nothing to do with it. All of our RSQUBF meetings have been done at our own expense, because we feel it is our gift and not our burden to the people who have been spritually, mentally, emotionally or even physically beaten and abused by the so-called leaders of UBF. Also, our work with the reformers is not based on any kind of use or manipulation; if that was the case, then the commentary on our original website would not have changed, and we would have nothing to do with them. I certainly will not tolerate anyone manipulating me or my family. However, there are actual Christ-followers in the reform movement whose intents are oriented on God's model of Christianity and not on anyone's framework of mind, and this website want to be accepting to all parts of UBF, even those who are anti-reform. We must give all a chance to listen to these problems and let God work through them to hopefully change their minds and hearts to do what is right before the Lord. Besides, we will most certainly not let ourselves be forgotten after all is said and done; we will continue to challenge the authority of UBF even after it has changed for the reform.

When we first created this site, it was intended to serve the people who left UBF and who were in need of affirmation for their leaving and hopefully some healing for their hurts. We never even knew about any reforms in the past or present until later last year. As a matter of fact, this website was up before any of the other websites were created concerning reform. Also, we haven't really had much contact with the reforms except in terms of encouragement via email. It's not like we are meeting in secret in the sewers of Chicago, planning Samuel Lee's destruction. This belief that we are receiving money for our website is ludicrous and baseless. If we were receiving money, then why would this website be free to us? The chat rooms, the message boards, the dreambook, the counter, it is all free to us because we can't afford it and because we looked for stuff that was free on the internet. Also, consider the amounts of hits we have had, over 14,000. We could have made a lot of money for each hit, if that was our intention. But our intention is to inform everyone about the corruption in UBF and about the need for change. We do all of this completely on a volunteer basis, with absolutely no money coming in. If you find that unbelieveable, then you do not understand the Holy Spirit nor the unconditional love that God freely gives. Samuel Lee and his loyalist soldiers are searching fervently and eagerly to find a chink in our armor, so he can accuse us and undermine us. Unfortunately for him, we wear the full armor of God and we are protected by Him from all baseless accusations. Therefore, if anyone thinks that we are receiving anything at all, the only thing we receive is peace and joy from God the Father for His purpose for our lives, which is to stand for the truth. Thanks to all who have supported us, and if you have any questions about our ministry, feel free to email us at rsqubf@netzero.net.


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  • Re: WHATS THE POINT -- Laura, 22:30:13 10/03/02 Thu
  • Amy? Bribery? What?! -- ChicagoX, 22:32:54 10/03/02 Thu
  • Re: WHATS THE POINT -- Former ubf, 22:36:47 10/03/02 Thu
  • Re: WHATS THE POINT -- Glad-2-B-Out 2d Gen., 22:41:39 10/03/02 Thu
  • Re: WHATS THE POINT -- Jacob Kim, 22:44:00 10/03/02 Thu
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