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Subject: Are smokers discriminated against? (long)

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Date Posted: 12:40:33 02/05/02 Tue

I think we'd agree that they are. Not everyone in the world would though. There is a thread on a general discussion board that is asking that question. Here is the original post, and some selected responses to it:

"I don't smoke, but the self-righteous attitude of the anti-smoking crowd totally turns me off. To me, smoking is a personal choice. If you want to do it, it's your decision.

Today, people make a huge deal about someone smoking, they turn their nose up at it, frown and gossip about smokers. If they're sitting in a non-smoking section, and a whiff of smoke drifts over to where they are, they raise hell.

I don't think it's right.

I probably should've lived in the 30's 40's and 50's when smoking was something everyone did, and it was accepted as a normal practice. Of course all the old movies with the smoking make it look full of glamour.

Sure, there are health risks related to smoking. But I think they are overhyped, and smoking should be a individual decision. If someone chooses to smoke, we've no right to judge them, or think them less of a person."

Some responses:

"Don't forget cigarette taxes. One tax, levied against a minority of the population, with the intent of raising upwards of $200,000,000 a year depending on the state.
I love the reaction I get from the anti-smoking nazi's when I tell them I buy my cigarettes dutyfree and don't pay a dime in taxes for them. "

"The door swings both ways. Non-smokers end up paying for higher health care expenses, have to listen to smokers whine about how they can not smoke anywhere they desire, etc. etc.
As long as someone who is smoking around me does not let it blow in my air space, does not fling their ashes on the ground, does not fling their cigarette butts out the window and does not burn holes in the chairs or carpet of the establishments that I frequent then I have no problem with it."

"Yes. We can't eat and smoke in public anymore, even given the choice of an all smoking restuarant or bar. They took our smoking areas away from us at work. In some places you aren't even allowed to smoke outside. We can't smoke in shopping areas where I live. Not outdoor ones even. "

"if you want to smoke that is your right, but it is my right not to have to suck down your smoke.....I have a right to live....you have a right to die....go kill yourself without bothering me"

"I don't want to have to breathe anyone's smoke second hand and having my clothes and hair smell is the pits. So NO,I don't think smoker's are discriminated against - I think it's the other way around - those of us who want to breathe fresh air should have a chance!"

"absolutely not. as i suck air trying to stay alive and breathe because of incurable asthma caused by second hand smoke, i do not feel sorry for them."

"You know, I have read a lot of posts here from self righteous non-smokers, and I do think that smokers (me being one) are treated like lower class human beings. I have heard people talking about making smokers stay at home, no longer allowed to smoke elsewhere.
All I can say to that is, if my smoke bothers you so much, then why dont YOU stay at home.
I refuse to cower outside in the freezing cold just to have a quick smoke.
I say smokers should unite, and say NO MORE!! We should take back our Public malls and our Movie Theatres.
Smoke wherever we want to, I seem to recall a time where certain races were not allowed in specific stores/restaurants. This was very wrong, andit was considered discrimination. Well here we are years later and now its the smoking people that are not allowed in certain places.
I have always done my best in trying not to offend people with my smoke but it always seems that my best is not good enough.
So what, I smoke - Get over it, there are so many other things that I could be doing that are much less tolerable.
Just my thoughts on the whole thing, and sure maybe I went a little overboard here and there, but I never feel like anyone understands exactly what I am trying to say.
:o) "

"I worked for RJ Reynolds (Camel for those of you with no clue) and went through all the brainwashing about smoking being a choice. This which was not told in these sessions is non-smoking is a choice as well. I do not like the people with nicotine stinking clothes pass me by from their smoking retreat in the restaurant on their way out too. If smoking is their choice, not wanting them is my choice and if they get offended by being discriminated against, can't I ?"

"I used to smoke, but quit awhile back. I do think smokers are discriminated against. So much energy and money has been spent in the crusade against smoking it makes me wonder how well we would have done in the crusade against hunger just in the United States(if there really was a crusade) if that money was spent on that worthy cause.
Interesting, how we can garner support against tobacco, but can't stamp out hunger first in this great nation. Anti-smokers should search their conscience first because if I was judging I would condemn them straight off compared to someone who smoked, but made a difference to others."

"No, not at all. Smokers can go anywhere they want anytime. They just can't smoke. I have a bowel movement once or twice a day. Am I being discriminated against because I can't do it in a pot in the middle of a restaurant. And that's just offensive, not hurtful."

"Yes, they are. And considering how much taxes they pay on the cigarettes they buy,they really should be given more consideration. "

""So why would you want to add to the pollution by smoking?"
For one, did you ask if I was even considerated of people who do not smoke? I would have non-smokers in my home and I would step outside if I wanted a smoke. Why should I have to do that to make others happy in MY HOME? Because I try to be considerate of their feelings. Plus if I knew someone was on their way over that did not smoke, I would not smoke in my home up until the time they left. If that is not being considerate I don't know what is.
Second of all, if we are not allowed to smoke in buildings (in being considerate of non-smokers), where do you think we should go? Go home for 10 minutes? What do you suggest?
Third, why not go after these BIG companies that pollute the air much more then we smokers do?
Last but not least, I thought I had freedom in this land. I know non-smokers have rights. Why do you think in most buildings now, there is no smoking. Fine by me. No problem. But to tell me that I can not walk out onto the sidewalk and have a smoke is beyond me. That is my right!
We all have rights to do what we want (well to a certain extent).
What are your thoughts on drinking and driving? Now there is something to think about. When I get behind the wheel and light up, I still have control of my actions and do not have the intent to do someone else harm. Now on the other hand, someone what is drunk and gets behind the wheel, Well there is something to think about!
(off the soapbox now. Go ahead and flame away) "

"I will have you know my father had cancer. They claim it was from smoking, BUT my dad was gathering proof that he had gotten somewhere else. He could pinpoint the exact date that something happened to him and his partner. Both him and his partner went through the same exact things and got the same exact treatments and such. his partner did not smoke! My father was a policeman and because of one call, just one, and the place was TOXIC! (which they were not told)It took his life. Yes smoking may not have helped but let me just say..you don't have to smoke to get cancer. Everyone has the cancer cell and just one thing could trigger it. Just one!
If you have ever smoked then YOU WOULD KNOW how hard it is to quit.
Some people can't just say one day "I quit" and then never pick up another.
I do have kids and try very hard not to smoke around them. I go outside when needing a smoke. If I can't quit now at least I am trying to be considerate of my kids.
What about drugs, drinking and guns that kills kids? "

"The logic here is fascinating. Don't working about smoking related cancer because other things cause cancer. Don't worry about smoking because drinking and driving is worse. But rape is worse than drinking and driving so I suppose we shouldn't worry about that. Now, murder is worse than rape so we shouldn't worry about rape. Serial murder is worse then a single murder so I guess every murderer should be given a pass. Genocide is worse than serial murder, so don't bother with the serial murderers."

"Tobacco should be banned and made illegal!!!"

"no, I like to sue all smokers for making me sick."


"Of course they are. The definition of discrimination is to make a difference in treatment on a basis other than individual merit. Well we have laws that are imposed on smokers as a group - not based on "individual merit".
So I guess the question is really whether that is fair on unfair. I say fair. I'm an ex-smoker and all the places I couldn't smoke was part of my reason for quitting. It was just too big a pain in the ass to smoke! (And yes, I quit for health reasons too, of course.)
So, to all the people who discriminated against me when I smoked, thank you. You helped me to quit. In addition, it is easier to keep away from smokers now, thus easier not to restart."

"Now that it has been established that smokers (which I am)contaminate the air..how can we get rid of the factories that pollute everyones' airspace. Do we draw a line around ourselves to let people know where each persons air space is? The government has done a great job in convincing
people it is all the smoking peoples' fault for deaths by cancer. this diverts everyones' attention from a far greater pollutant. I try my best to be careful around none smokers but if they but up a stink and I am in a designated smoking area..OH WELL"

"actually, i think non smokers are discriminated aginst by smokers. i'm a former smoker who can truthfully say that smokers are very selfish people who only care about their own desires. if thet truly cared about themselves even, they would stop smoking."

"smokers going outside isn't even good enough for some non-smokers.They whine that they have to walk by smokers!
Saw a post on another board where a non-smoker was whining about smelling the smoke from a smoker in the car in FRONT OF THEM. Sitting in traffic, with all those exhaust fumes (which OF COURSE didn't bother the nonsmoker...uh huh), this person claimed they could smell cigarette smoke and thinks smoking should be banned in cars! Oh please...get a grip! "

"They shouldn't be discriminated against. But every smoker deserves to have the crap knocked out of them every time they light up. It shouldn't be a crime to beat up a smoker"

"I think smokers get more breaks at work in any profession. I don't smoke and if I walked outside every hour or 2 for 10 min or more I bet people would discriminate against me."

"Alright, you don't want me to smoke in a grocery store? Fine. Not at work? Alright. Not in a public building? Sure. But please, don't sit your butt in the Smoking section at Denny's, order a GrandSlam with the hashbrowns covered and smothered (cheese and gravy put over them) and wash it down with a huge milkshake and then get mad at me for lighting up because the second hand smoke is "bad for you"."

"It twists my tail that it is fine to have a nonsmoking resturant but when the establishment allows smoking you have the complainers that want to be free to go in all private businesses.
If you don't like the smoke, go to the non-smoking establishments. Geez,it isn't that difficult. Any business should be able to make the desision, for themselves, if they want to market to smokers or non-smokers."

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Re: Are smokers discriminated against? (long)Past Tempted23:27:04 02/06/02 Wed

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