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Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 1:15pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "First pregnancy" on 07/ 9/06 8:50pm

now everyone here is going to hate me because i know your opinion on abortion. Everyone is just so worried about how this is going to affect them and my boyfriend was having a nervous break down my best friend is on his side...she even had an abortion but i guess it didnt affect her. this is all too much for me so i told everyone i will have the abortion...ive taken a couple days to myself not talking to anyone and i have tried to detach myself from my stomach. I feel nothing right now...and this is not what i want but the decision has been made for me. I know you guys will say everything and anything to get me to change my mind...but right now i cant hear anything anyone has to say. i dont know if this is the right choice...but when i go to the appointment if i feel this is something i really cant do i have no problem waliking out of the hospital...i will not go through with it if i feel its not the right choice...right now i dont know i think i need to be in the hospital minutes away from doing it to know if im making the right choice...i know this sounds sick to some people!! please pray for me and my bf ..im sorry and i thank everyone here so much because i was always pro choice but after this its not something i will ever adbise any woman to do..i think its wrong.....im so sorry

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[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 4:55pm

Hi Jacequeline,

Please know that you will be in the prayers of many, and you're totally welcome here regardless of what choice you wind up making.

With Kindness,

[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 5:00pm

I'm not going to give you a hard time about your decision. I have had abortions myself i am in no position to judge you. It's just that all of us women can hear very clearly that you want to keep your baby and we know that when those feelings exist they don't go away after you terminate the babys life. We don't want you to suffer and yes we don't want you to kill your child. But none of us can stop you from doing it either we can only listen and advise you should you ask us what we think. Like i have said before we have nothing personally to gain from telling you you shouldn't abort. I have been there though and i know that every pregnancy i wanted my baby and the ones i terminated still haunt me today. It's no small thing to have an abortion it truely is killing another human being, your own baby. I have tried my best to explain the feelings i had after having an abortion but words are probably futile to truely explain. But you feel it -this gut feeling right down in the pit of your stomach. Maybe you go ahead with the abortion because some part of you thinks it doesn't count as a life but you feel it -i felt it- afterwards. Its a tangible feeling of losing something- someone. I guess youre about to find out what i am talking about soon enough...
[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 8:34pm


Your only responsibility is to yourself and your little one right now. Those around you who are pushing you to do this aren't going to have to live with your decision like you will. Your best friend who doesn't seem affected by her abortion may very well be needing to maintain an "it didn't phase me" frame of mind in order to NOT feel whatever pain is waiting there. She may need to be defending abortion as a reasonable option because if she acknowledges that the reality that abortion is not the best choice for you, that brings into question whether or not abortion was the right choice for her. In fact, she probably really needs compassion, even though she doesn't think anything is wrong. I don't want to say it, but it could even be that she's afraid of your being (and continuing to be) pregnant: it brings her abortion into even sharper focus.

Jacqueline, I will pray that something happens either when you're at that clinic or ideally before you even get there that you will see as a sign that you aren't supposed to abort your baby. Clearly, you don't want to do this. So, that means this omst certainly is not the right choice for you. It may seem to be the "right" choice for those around you, but it's clearly not the right choice for you.

You and Dom and your baby continue to be in my prayers.

[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 8:47pm

I'm coming in a little late to this discussion, but I'm concerned about you. It's important that you and your boyfriend make the decision together. But it sounds like he and others are pressuring and leading you into a decision that's in their best interests, rather than what you're wanting. Please know that while others may try to influence you to have an abortion, only you live with the consequences (heart and soul) of this decision.
Just that you're trying to avoid attachment and avoid feelings in order to go through with this abortion is a troublesome sign. Women who are coerced into a a major, life changing decision, such as having an abortion are more likely to have difficulty coping with the decision afterwords. "There is also the emotional aspect, if the woman felt coerced, pressured, or like she had 'no other choice' - these are also definitely contributing factors." (1) I've learned this from providing enough peer counseling to both pregnant and post-abortive women. And, while pregnant women can't post on the following forum, you can read the stories of women who were coerced into their abortion(s):
It's important that you're true to yourself and you listen to your heart and your feelings. Also, I encourage you to take control of yor situation and don't let others dictate the decision for you. If you can, take some time away from those who are pressuring you and surround yourself with only those who support your right to make the decision and support you. From what you've described before, it sounds like you have the financial means and there's a lot of support out there. Please know that while I can't be there in person for you, you have my support. We care about you. I pray that you find the strength to stand up and do what you find in your heart is right for you.

(1)PASS Awareness Site (a neutral post-abortion site)
Symptoms and Frequently Asked Questions About Post Abortion Stress Syndrome
[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/18/06 9:55pm

Hi Jacqueline,
I'm just so sad for you because I feel like you are feeling as tho this is the only choice to make to satisfy everyone but yourself. I feel that you know already in your heart that this is something that is going to be so very painful for you, maybe forever. If we knew this was the firm decision made solely for you and by you it wouldn't make me feel the way I do. I hurt for women that feel trapped and forced to make decisions that will haunt them.
I was wondering if you have ever thought of adoption as an option for your baby. I wish so much that if you know without doubt you are going to go thru with the abortion that you would give yourself time to consider this option.
Please write me if you would like to talk. I could explain the different types of adoptions out there today.
My prayer is that you will see this and consider writing me so we can talk.
Take time to be sure and listen to your heart.
[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/19/06 12:22am

If you know this is the wrong decision for you, then why are you doing it? Just to please your boyfriend? Which, by the way, statistics prove that your relationship will not survive an abortion that was forced upon you. Knowing how much you want this baby, you will feel resentment toward Dominic after this is all over.

You cannot wait until minutes before the procedure before you decide. You need to know ahead of time. I have heard horror stories of people who changed their mind at the last minute, but were crying so hard that they couldn't get their wishes known, and the abortion was performed anyway.

I know you're not listening to any of us now, and you don't want to hear what we have to say, because somehow, your bf's wishes are more important than your own, or your baby's. For as much as you want this baby, do you really think you can go through with the abortion and come out okay? And not resent your bf or your friend for making you give up your child? If your bf cared half as much about you as you do for him, he would be putting your wishes first, as you are apparently doing for him! You are willing to terminate your pregnancy and risk a life of guilt and resentment for him, but he can't even give the idea of parent-hood half a chance, for your sake!

Nobody here is going to hate you for your decision, but I bet many of us are praying fervently that you will change your mind - not because we want to control you or because we are so insistent that you not kill your baby, but because you have stated over and over again how much you want this baby, and we don't want you to make a bad decision out of fear or to keep a boyfriend that may possibly not even deserve you! Or one that you may not want after all is said and done and you realize that the ONLY reason you aborted your baby is because he "couldn't handle it". Sounds to me like he's being pretty selfish. Didn't he know that if you have sex, you might produce a baby? If he wasn't ready to be a parent, I guess maybe he shouldn't have had sex....or at least made darn sure that pregnancy didn't happen. You are being very responsible and looking at all options. I commend you for that. His mantra seems to be abort, or I will leave. How mature is that?

If you've read this far, I hope that my post has at least inspired you to re-think things. If not, I pray that all goes well for you and that you can get past the (possible) guilt and that you and Dominic can actually make it through this okay. I don't think he's a bad man....I think he's scared - and for most men, abortion seems like the easy way out - which it is, for them! But not for you. Abortion is not easy no matter what the circumstances, but especially not for someone who wanted the baby and was pressured into an abortion. I truly think that Dominic is a good man (from what I've read) and truly believe that he would come around, if given the chance....but if you abort, you won't ever know.

I will be praying for guidance for you, acceptance from Dominic, and strength to do whatever is the right thing for you to do (no matter what that is!).

[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/19/06 12:24am

Hi Jacqueline,

I don't know if I would say or do anything to stop you from having an abortion, however, I would not say that I won't try to dissuade you from having one, either. I will not lie to you to stop you from having an abortion, but I will tell you how concerned this makes me for you. I can tell how much you care about Dom, and that is not a bad thing. However, I am wondering how you feel this will affect your relationship to him if you go ahead and have an abortion.
I can't believe that everyone is giving you so much pressure when it isn't really what you want. That isn't very "fair" of them, and I am concerned how this will affect you in the long run. Abortion is so very hard on relationships... not that pregnancy can't be hard as well, but the difference is that if the you have an abortion and things don't work out, you are just left on your own and it may well feel like it was for nothing. I only say that because I've seen it happen so often, and I just so hate to see that happen to you.

The numbness you feel isn't too terribly uncommon.... it is your way of coping right now. The feeling that you need to be minutes away to decide is just your attempt to feel and process your feelings that you can't now because it is so overwhelming. Does that make sense? I hope so. I don't think feeling that you need to be minutes from an abortion before deciding is "sick", but I do think it could be a bit desperate. Anyway, being that near to the event may not have the desired outcome. Instead you are likely to feel more "obligated" to go ahead even if it's really not what you want. IT's easy to get carried along by the events and just get it over with. A lot of women do go ahead, feeling swept by it all rather than being fully convinced. It's not unusual at a regular abortion clinic to be in with other women who are more certain (or seem that way) who are sure you want this and there is almost a "peer" pressure that goes along with it... after all you are all pregnant in less than ideal circumstances. I've seen it. If you aren't sure, going ahead might give you some relief.. for a little while, but there are no guarantees it won't hit you even harder down the road, especially feeling as you do now.

At any rate, no matter what you ultimately do... I won't hate you. I doubt the rest of us will either. There is a big difference between hate and a broken heart.

Please get some support from people who what you to be able to do what you have said you want.

Just wondering, have you asked Dom what he's so afraid of that he would make himself sick over it? What's the very worst thing that could happen to him if you have this baby that he doesn't do to himself? His reaction and how he deals with things are his choice.

Hang in there.

[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

Tracey (praying for you...)
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Date Posted: 07/19/06 5:55am

Right now you are going through a range of emotions...you've gone from one extreme to the next and this is totally normal in an unplanned pregnancy. The stress of everyone's opinions are over-whelming you right now. Jacqueline, many of us here are pro-life, that is a fact. But we are more than just that...we are pro-woman! You see, abortion does something to the very core of a woman...it causes stress, anxiety, depression, and sadness. Unfortunately, it isn't temporary...it's a life-time. We're not here to judge you, Jacqueline. We're here to offer you support and love no matter what choice you make. We care about you and this child, Jacqueline and we just don't want to see you make a choice out of pressure that obviously goes against what your heart is telling you to do. May you listen to your heart and no matter what you decide, you feel at peace. And we are always here for you, Jacqueline...no matter your decision. I believe it is no mistake that you found our web-site. Follow your heart and it won't steer you wrong. We love you and will be praying for you as you make your final decision. If you ever need to talk, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.
God bless,
[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/19/06 7:06am


I am pleading with you to please read one last message....
I am post-abortive. I shut off just as you have right now. I've used the exact same words you are using... "I disconnected... disconnected my head from my heart." It was the only way I could walk thru the day of my abortion. I too felt nothing. I was numb. When I was walking into the clinic, a picketer screamed at me, "You're just a baby killer if you walk into that building!" And I knew that he was right, but I was so numb his words just reinforced everything that I already felt about myself... I was just... nothing. worthless. a failure. And now I was just going to add one more failure to my miserable life. That feeling of disconnection? It convinced me that this was just a procedure. I was just walking thru the steps of a procedure. They drew a curtain between me and the ultrasound machine so that I couldn't see the images... They didn't care what my reason was. It didn't matter who was going to take care of me when I got home. I was never given a chance to make a connection with my child. The entire building was figuratively and literally void of life. There was nothing but numb coldness in those walls.
The moment I connected to my heart again? Immediately after my abortion was over and the doctor sat at the end of my bed with a silver basin and sloshed it around and looked in it and said, "Well, I think we got all of it." Her matter of fact words awakened me from the haze... I laid there thinking "It?... what have I just done?" I tried to sit up... my hand instinctively reached down to grasp at my stomach... I tried to scream... but couldn't do any of it... I was frozen there as sheer emptiness set in... I wanted to peer into that basin... wanted to see what she was seeing... could she see my baby there? did it really look like a baby? What have I done? What have I done? What have I done...
I couldn't move. They left me there. Rushed around. Scooped up there instruments... the door slammed shut behind them... I was left there alone as they walked down the hallway with the remains my baby in that basin.
I felt an incredible urge to get out of that building... I was nauseated... more scared now... wanted to escape... I dressed and left without telling anyone, tried to run down the hallway and get out... I was hoping that I would push open the door and breathe in the fresh air and be free from this anxiety and panic that was suffocating me... but when I opened the door I didn't find freedom, in fact, my chains had just been placed on... I spent over a year chained in my silence, shame, guilt, remorse, sadness, emptiness, hatered... just to name a few emotions... I was what they call "the walking dead".
I finally reached out for help and went through intense counseling and took a very long journey of learning to forgive myself. It's been over 3 years. I'm still on that journey. Not a single day goes by that I don't remember my child and wish I could go back and revese what I did... offer protection to my baby. I will never forget. I can't. Mothers don't forget their children. Ever.

[> [> Subject: Re: my decision

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Date Posted: 07/19/06 7:58am


Let me try to add some thoughts no one else has mentioned.

The web site that has been recommended to you, afterabortion.com, is run by a woman who believes abortion should be kept legal. She doesn't talk about it on her site, because she doesn't want to get political issues involved, but I know her personally, so I know this for a fact.

You have a right to refuse abortion. Please look at this web site: abortionconcern.org People are violating your right to decide when they push you like they are doing.

Also, please read here: www.seghea.com/up.html and here: www.seghea.com/help.html.

If you go ahead with an abortion, you will probably lose Dom anyway. 90% of the unmarried relationships break up after abortion. If you want to keep him, abortion is the wrong method. It won't work.

Most men don't relate to pregnancy until they can see for themselves. They have to see an ultrasound, or feel movement, or hear a heartbeat, or see changes in the mother's body. That's why we have to give them a chance and be patient with them. Unfortunately, most abortions happen before these changes.

Please find out as much as you can about your baby and about abortion before you walk through the door. The more you know, the more satisfied you will be with whatever you decide. Don't try to numb your feelings. These are important guidance to what you should do for your own well-being. I think you are telling yourself that if you distance yourself from your baby, you can cope. Don't think it! It doesn't work that way.

Let me tell you a little about my own experience and that of other women I have talked to. I almost had an abortion. For months afterwards, I had horrible nightmares. One time, a man with a huge butcher knife was chasing me through the dark streets of the city, and I was very pregnant. I got away at the last minute. Another time, I was very pregnant, and I was trying to climb an interminable flight of stairs, and there was a bunch of men trying to gang-rape me, but at the last minute, I got away. Women have told me of nightmares where they hear babies crying, and they can't reach them. Stuff like that. Abortion has a huge emotional impact on a woman. You may be able to make yourself numb right now, but what about the long run? We know that women who have abortions can become suicidal (it has happened to friends of mine), or can turn to drinking or drugs. A woman is six times as likely to die a violent death in the year following abortion as one who carries to term. You see, I am SERIOUSLY worried about you, as are all the women here. And no, not everyone here is pro-life.

Before you go through the door, please make sure you get to see an ultrasound someplace. This is very important! One of the things I have learned is that women who think they're fine with it can suddenly be what I call "broadsided". This means that something in their life triggers a reaction. It can be very emotionally dangerous. One time I was debating abortion, and after the debate was finished, one of the women on the abortion choice side stood up and said, "I had an abortion, and it didn't bother me." And then she broke into tears! Please don't make yourself vulnerable to this!

Finally, please keep in mind that you may not be able to walk out if you actually go through the door and then change your mind. Sometimes force is used to hold a woman down and force her to go through with it. Abortionists will tell you that it's too late when it's not. So if you are going to change your mind, do it before you walk through the door, but even if you do walk through the door, and then you change your mind, you can still walk out. I am just warning you that the closer you get, the less likely they will LET you change your mind.

I will continue to pray for all three of you. Please pray also. This is very important, even if it's not something you normally do.

Yes, we will be here for you no matter what. But we hope you won't hurt yourself. We are very worried for you.


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