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Date Posted: 22:07:32 09/19/04 Sun
Author: Site_Goddess
Subject: Re: can`t get to chat
In reply to: yoyo 's message, "Re: can`t get to chat" on 10:34:43 09/19/04 Sun

>>>ok i tried and tried and tried some more but no luck
>>>it says i don`t have java installed . so i dl`ed the
>>>sun java , and it still says i don`t have it
>>>i tried i can do but no luck any one have any
>>>ps i`m still on windows 98 se
>>In your Internet Explorer window, up at the top go to
>>Tools, then select Internet Options. In the grey box
>>that pops up, in the General tab, click on Delete
>>Cookies, then click on Delete Files, then click OK at
>>the bottom.
>>Then close ALL your Internet Explorer windows. Now
>>open a new Explorer window and see if you can log into
>>the chat.
>tried that and still no luck ,
>when i op-en chat i get a icon in to right hand corner
>that has a red square ,green circle , and a blue
>triangle in it , looks like a person . any help . i
>only being trying since the tour , lol .
>i`ll keep searchin and trying .


Will you please email me at janna@dailypeloton.com so I can figure out what we need to do?


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