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Date Posted: 01:22:28 03/21/14 Fri
Author: Dr. Jovi Boni Boy


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Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

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How to Prevent Heart Disease and Circulatory Problems
By Knut Holt

Lifestyle factors cause most incidents of heart disease and diseases in the blood circulation, either wholly or partially. Bad lifestyle can cause blood vessels to be narrowed, high blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the circulatory system. These changes will themselves decrease the general condition and tissue health, and can cause more dramatic events like blod clots, heart infarction or stroke.

Here are some simple advices to avoid disease in the heart and blood vessels and to help regain good circulatory health if such disease already are present.

- Do not smoke or use any other types of nicotine sources. Smoking is perhaps the most potent cause of circulatory problems.

- Have some exercises at least every second day that make your heart work harder. Jogging, cycling, playing ball, swimming or other activities where you increase your energy consume are good for your blood circulation. The exercises should however be adjusted to your present health condition.

- Get enough sleep each 24 hours. All the sleep does not however need to occur during night. You can for example take out some of your need for sleep as a siesta in the middle of the day. 7 hours sleep seems to be the ideal for optimal circulatory health. Much more sleep seems to be bad for your blood circulation.

- Avoid a high amount of stress over a longer period. If there is something in your lifestyle or work that makes you stressed, you should make adjustments. Meditation is a good method to stress down.

- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do not add much oil, butter or other types of fat to your food. Do not consume much fast-food or ready made food that often contain great amount of added fat.

-Avoid altogether chemically altered fat, so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine and is often added to many types of cookies.

-Avoid great amounts of saturated fat, as found in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut products and butter.

- Still you need some fat. The fat you mostly need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found for example in fish, seafood and flax oil and omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and many types of nuts.

- Much of the fat you still choose to add to your food should be oils with mono-unsaturated fat like olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil can be added to get enough omega-3-fat. You can also use some soy oil, corn oils and other types of natural oils with a high content of omega-6-fat, but do not use too much of these to avoid over-consuming this type of fat.

- Avoid consuming great amounts of salt. Do not add much salt to the food you ccok, and do not eat great amounts of ready made salty food. When it is hot in the weather or you are in high physical activity, you will however need some more salt, and must consume some more than elswhere.

- Eat some nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds several times each week, since these food types give you fat valuable for your circulatory health.

- Eat fish at least every second day. Use lean meat, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood and lean diary products in the food you make.

- Consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates. Avoid adding great amounts of sugar to your food. Avoid consuming much sweet drinks, cookies and snacks with great amounts of sugar and other carbohydrates.

- Use carbohydrate sources that contain fibre and that let the carbohydrates be taken up over some time, for example full corn bread and cereals, beans, peas and fresh fruit.

- Eat vegetables and fruit to each meal in order to get enough vitamins, minerals, fibres and anti-oxidants. They should be raw or only gently cooked so that the content of nutrients is not washed out.

- A moderate alcohol consume is good for your blood circulation, especially red wine, but over-drinking has the opposite effect.

- Avoid excessive eating. Eating too much is not good for your blood circulation even though you eat sound food.

- Reduce excessive weight. The advices depicted above will often over time normalize your weight. If this is not enough you should carry through a more specific weight reduction program.

- If you suffer from diabetes, this disease should be well controlled.

- Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants may be useful. Also some herbal supplements containing adaptogenic factors can be useful, for example supplements based on ginseng or roseroot (Rhodiola rocea). Supplements are especially useful if it is difficult to achieve a wholly satisfactory diet, or you have extra stressful conditions in your life you cannot avoid.

The advices depicted above are not only good for your circulatory health, but will also help to avoid rheumatism, cancer and other types of diseases.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items.----TO FIND natural help against common diseases, for example: Heart problems, over-weight, acne, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hemorrhoids, joint pain, allergies, rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and more PLEASE VISIT: http://www.abicana.com/shop2.htm

---For supplements to prevent heart disease and other health problems, PLEASE VISIT


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

What Are Those Chemtrails that Aircrafts Leave In the Sky
by Knut Holt

For several years people in both urban and rural areas in western countries have frequently observed high-flying aircrafts leaving after themselves tracks that look like ordinary contrails. But they do not dissolve, but instead spread out over the sky and leave a mist shielding much of the sunrays from coming through, and thus alter the weather for hours.

Some people dismiss these so-called chemtrails as observations of ordinary contrails behaving in a special way under certain meteorological conditions, while others think authorities are deliberately spreading the sky with chemical substances for one or more secret purposes.


To construct a well-founded explanation, one must first have a clear view about what is actually observed. Even though it is easy to see the phenomenon, many of the details told about are somewhat uncertain, so already at this stage the phenomenon is difficult to assess.

Basically one observes jet planes flying at an altitude of 10000 meters or more that lave after themselves a misty track looking much like an ordinary contrail, but perhaps have a somewhat denser appearance.

Several planes fly approximately at the same time at some regular distance from each other and leave parallel tracks. According to witnesses one can often observe that the same planes turn and fly back to leave a new track parallel to those already made or crossing those. This kind of behavior has been extensively documented also by pictures taken by observers.

The tracks do not dissolve, but widen and eventually run together to make a carpet of milky-looking mist over a wide area. This carpet blocks out much of the sunrays many hours. The mist decreases the temperature at lower altitude, but does not seem to cause rain or other meteorological phenomenons, at least not immediately.

The phenomenon are always confined to a limited area, but this is wide, usually from horizon to horizon. At the borders of this area, one can see that the spreading of these tracks abruptly begins or ends. Before and after the same planes leave ordinary contrails. One can often observe other planes flying over the same area that only leave normal contrails.

The activity seems to be confined to limited periods on a day, at any time during the day, but perhaps more frequent from the early morning to around 4 PM. This massive, but limited, activity occur both in urban areas with normally high air traffic and in rural areas where the air traffic usually is small.

The planes making these tracks always seem to be transport planes of some size, so that they can carry a significant load. People have actually observed and even taking pictures of separate nozzles on the wings of aircrafts spreading out substances, and they associate this observation with the chemtrail activity.

Some people report powder of some sort occasionally falling down over an area where these so-called chemtrails have been laid, and that this powder tend to form thin layers on water surfaces. Some observers have undertaken chemical analyses of water from those areas and report an abnormal content of aluminum or barium in the water.

There are also reports of people feeling ill after a spraying, most often as irritation or allergy-like reactions from the respiratory organs.


Some explain the phenomenon conventionally that the tracks are ordinary contrails made by aircraft flying in areas where cold air is saturated with dissolved water. The water vapor from the engines will then be all converted to small ice crystals and these will not dissolve because the air already is saturated. As this explanation further goes, the whole sky will be covered with mist because the area is highly trafficked by airplanes.

The conventional explanation has however a problem explaining the navigational behavior of the aircrafts which involves turning and flying back over the same area again. This activity is highly impractical for conventional air traffic and also violates normal traffic regulations.

It also have problems explaining the sharp margins of the sprayed areas and the massive activity of these aircrafts during limited time periods on the day, and that this activity often occur over areas with normally little air traffic. The ability of these tracks to spread out and last for a long time also seems odd, even though this property is difficult to assess.

Some people think the authorities spray germs or toxic substances that will make people sick or infertile to reduce the population of Earth, or that they use populations in epidemiological experiments. The explanation is not as lunatic as it might sound, because certain authorities in certain countries have a documented historical record of using populations as involuntary Guiana pigs. This reason is however unlikely for the bulk of the activity, because also the authority persons and those practically performing the activity would be in danger if this is the purpose.

Some think authorities perform mass vaccination of populations against certain diseases by spreading germs that cause a mild and mostly unremarkable variant of the same diseases. The vaccination could be for serious purposes, or be a grand scale research project to investigate the feasibility of such vaccination programs.

In case of a massive epidemy of a serious disease threatening to break out, ability to vaccinate large populations so cheaply and rapidly would be highly useful, and one can be sure authorities are tempted to develop and try out such methods. The methods have clear ethical problems, though, but historic records tell us that authorities tend to let the usefulness weight heavier than ethical considerations in such cases. Still, it would be a waste of money to do such visitations in a grand scale before a real epidemy is threatening large populations, and such a grand scale vaccination program also has clear hazards, so the explanation can probably be valid only for a part of the activity.

Certain people claiming to have inside information tell that the military spread small aluminum particles in the atmosphere to deflect radar waves and make a zone opaque for insight with radar as a means of defense. The explanation might be valid in a minor scale, but massive spread of particles for that purpose would also make own radar equipment useless.

Some explain the activity as a grand scale weather modification project, or at least heavy research projects to test ways of modifying the weather. The main purpose for the project is said to be shielding the earth from the sunrays by reflecting them back and thereby reduce the atmospheric temperature and counteract the greenhouse effect. Also other effects like inducing rainfall, snowfall or modifying winds may be a part of the purpose. The effect is obtained by spreading particles that work as seeds for formation of clouds, and the misty carpet seen after a spraying session is clouds thus produced, and not the particles themselves.

The fact that the misty sheet produced by the activity actually do shield from sunrays and decrease the temperature, supports this explanation. It is also supported by the fact that politicians and scientists are talking about the greenhouse effect as a serious threat that necessitates grand scale countermeasures. The alleged detection of substances like aluminum or barium after such sessions also support the explanation.

Great areas in Europe and North America have experienced a colder climate the latest years in spite of an increase in global temperature as a whole, which also might be explained as a result of weather modification activities.

Rain- and snowmaking by means of silver iodide crystals spread out in the air is actually done at special occasions, for example to provide rain for the agriculture, and snow for winter sport arrangements, and it is not a great conceptual leap to do something similar in a greater scale but possible with cheaper and less toxic substances than silver iodide.


The activity of the aircrafts causing misty sky over large areas is so abnormal in comparison to daily air traffic under ordinary regulations, that one must conclude that authorities perform some kind of purposeful activity not told about openly, and since this seem to occur in many countries, it is probably a kind of international project.

Most probably it is a grand scale weather modification project to counteract the greenhouse effect, or at least scientific activity to test out such a modification.This seems probable both because one can observe that the activity has such a shielding effect, and because countermeasures against global warming are generally spoken of as something necessary and urgent.

The method used seems to be spreading of small particles of aluminum or some salt in a great enough amount to induce cloud formation, but not in such an amount that it interferes with radar or is easily detectable.

Some of the activity may however also have the purpose of trying out airborne vaccines against diseases, and this part of the activity may even be combined with the spraying of weather-modificating substances.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer interested in the scientific and health fields. To read more about scientific and health topics, and to find interesting fitness products, disease treatment products and techical items please see his web-site.


About chastity belts and other chastity devices
By Knut Holt

Chastity devices are generally physical devices for boys, girls men and women that close in the genital area so that the genitals are not acessible for intercource or for handling by the fingers.
Most chastity devices let the anal area be free, but some of them are also made to hinder the access to this part of the intimate zones.

Chastity devices are typically furnished by locks with keys or other types of closures that make them unable to open or undo by the wearer, so that a second person have to install and undo the device. The devices usuallly have holes or perforations to let urine pass.

If they do not have such a possibility, the wearer will be dependent of a second person to unlock the device when urination is needed. Some of these also have a shape or have structures that physically hinder erection or other physical sexual reactions in the geniltals or that make such reactions unpleasant.

Most chastity devices consist of a shield to be placed around the genital area and som belt arrangement to hold the shield in place. There is uaually a belt to be worn around the mid with a fasting for the top of the shield at the belly part. The lower part of the shield will typically reach some way backward between the legs and from that part there can either be a strap going between the buttocks up to the mid back part of the belt, or two such straps going at the sides of the buttocks up to each side of the mid belt. Accessory straps round the theighs can also be used.

Belts for men or boys can be furnished with a thick tube pointing downwards for the penis. Typically the urination is allowed by means of perforation at strategic places. However, some more advanced constructions make use of a condom catheter for the male penis, or even an urethral catheter going into the bladder.

Historically the use of chastity devices have been imposted by authorities upon people in their custody for various reasons. Parents have forced sons or doughters to wear such devices to protect them, or to hinder them from masturbation or angagig in other types of sexual activities regardes a sinful or as harmful to a sound development.Husbands in strongly patriarchical societies have forced their wives to wear chastity devices to for protection against rape or to hinder adultry.

Chastity devices have a very long history. The use of such devices got an upswing in the late part of the 18 hundredths, due to the effect of propaganda regarding alledged harmful effects of masturbation.

The use of chastity devices for the controle of children's, teens' and wives' sexuality has since then declined, but in certain sub-culturs and certain societies the use is still routine.

By now such devices are mostly used as sexual play tools, either as a sole tool or as a part in role plays of sexual art. the reason for ths is partly becuse the device as such give a form of continuous sexual stimulation and that he hinderance of orgasms for sime time gives a steady feeling of being aroused that some people enjoy.


In certain modern subcultures that are not confined to one specific geographical area, but span some institutions for children and some comunities all over the world, there seem to be plans under development to apply a kind of genital controle device for both boys and girls during critical development periods., and prototypical versions of these devices seem already to be in use. The development of and use of this type of device for boyus seem however to be ahead of the progress towards something similar for girls. The following is a descripyion about the result these plans seem to be heaing towards, based on pieces of information from several sources:

The possible justification from authorities for boys and also girls in the age 7-16/18 to wear some sort of compulsory controle device in their pelvic area will will be much wider that just chastity, and probably something like this:

To controle unwanted behaviour, to stop sexual abuse, to help for urination problems during puberty, to regulate the genital development, to delay the onset of puberty, to calm down exagerated feelings and erections, to monitor body functions, to adjust bodily functions, to prevent diseases, and to detect diseases early.

Such a dvice must be light, not very bulky and comfortable, but still somewat rigid to give a good protection. It should not curb the shape of the genitals or natural physiological reactions in the genitals.

Such a device will need some good way of managing urination, semen expusion and by girls menstrual fluids in a hygientic and practical ways. The device must also help to vent out prostate fluid so that it does not build up. It must also have a practical way to deliver any medication. For medication to be effective, it must probably be delivered in the bladder, prostate area or urethra at specific spots.

A condom catheter is probably not suited for these purposes, since it strangles the penis, tend to be bulky and cannot deliver medication at specific points.

Therefore the urinary function, prostate ventilation and delivery of medication must probably be managed with a super-smooth catheter going all the way into the bladder.

The catheter should have perforation to ventilate prostate fluid and semen. Urination in daytime would simply be arranged by opening a valve at the end of the catheter The catheter should also have channels to deliver medication to the places where it will be most effective, which probably will be the prostate area.

By nighttime the catheter could be connected to a container for collection of urine. When the boy is sick or when otherwise needed, it would also be possible to connect the catheter to a technical device that performs more special functions like sleep monitoring, bladder flushing, instillation of special medicines and the like.

The catheter arrangement can also, if needed, be specially design to correct development abnormalities or guide a correct development of the genital areas or even used for special therapies in the bladder or even higher up.

The device must also for boys allow the penis to get erect, because that will happen authomatically and is necessary for normal genital development. Practically this can be achieved by letting the penis lie pointing upwards towards the navel in a super-smooth holster which is a part of the device. This arrangement will allow the penis to get erect and slide up and down around the installed catheter.

Each week the device should be taken off and the boy should be alloved to stay some hours inside the house without the catheter and urinate naturally. The device and the catheter must then be cleaned thorrowly. The boy must bath all of his body. Then his genital area must be cleaned and nursed and the device with the catheter reinstalled.

The boy should have a physical exam two times each year. This must include a thorrough assessment of the genital and rectal region, including internal assessment with cystoscopy and ultrasound. The modern development has made cystoscopies not more difficult to perform than iserting a catheter. After the exam the controle device should be adjusted or eventually replaced to fit the latest development of the boy and a new catheter fitted.

It is difficult to see if such a device could be used in a healthy way without a total management of all genito-urinary functions of young boys and girls by the parents and the society in the way i describe.

For the time being, the techical requirements for making such a advanced device is not there yet, buit the time will come when this is possible, and I think many societies then will establish such genital management rutines, either for all youngsters, or for those that have shown to have special problems. I even have a feeling that such devices are actively being developed right now upon order from authorities, but still not spoken about.

Authorities will probably prefere that all children are initiated with a controle device from they begin school at 6 or 7 and wear them until 18. Economical concern might however make them choose to wait until the prepuberty years 10-12, and also limit the use to perhaps 20% of the children in society, which would be all children with a chronical physical diseae, physical development disturbances, psychiatric patology or behaviour problems.

Knut Holt


How to eat to Prevent Cancer
By Knut Holt

A diet with the aim of preventing cancer is generally the same as a diet to prevent heart disease and other diseases. Your general diet should be composed according to the following principles:

- Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and poultry.

- Eat at least 5 fruits or vegetable servings each day. Each piece should be of the size of an apple or carrot. They should preferably be eaten raw.

- Eat full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.

- Do not eat much red meat.

- Avoid or reduce the amount of food that is industrially processed, artificially made or heavily fried.

- Eat just a moderate amount of fat. Provide that you are not over-weight.

- Ideally most fat you eat, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some poly-unsaturated fat of the types omega-3 and omega-6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.

- In order to achieve a right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a blending of sources like olive, olive oil, rape oil, flax oil, nuts, nut oil, almonds, sunflower, sunflower oil, fish and fish oil.

- Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only using such oil types will give you too much poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type, which will promote cancer growth.

- Use just a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat.

- Avoid altogether fat that has been chemically altered, giving so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine, cookies, snacks, fast food and other pre-made food.

- Consume just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

- Have just a moderate consumption of alcohol but a certain alcohol consume is good. Some coffee or tea is good to drink each day.

- Use just a moderate amount of salt in the food. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you will need more salt.


Some specific foods or beverages seem to protect well against cancer, and some of these should be in your daily diet.

- Generally plants, fruits and spices with a strong colour or a strong taste have cancer preventing effects because of the contents of bioflavonoids and other anti-oxidants.

- Kale, chia seeds, flax, turmenic, broccoli, cabbage, mustard, red pepper and cauliflower are plant materials with proven strong cancer preventing effects.

- Evidence points to the conclusion that green tea can help prevent cancer. Some studies have indicated that drinking coffee reduces the incidence of cancer. Red wine seems to be a good cancer preventive remedy.


A high enough consume of vitamins and minerals is essential for the ability of the body to protect itself against the development of cancers. Especially seems vitamin D to be an important factor. But a too high vitamin supply can give the opposite result for some cancer types. If you manage to follow the advices depicted above, you will not need much extra vitamin and mineral supply for this specific purpose.

Some evidence seem to indicate that a high consume of milk and diary products, and other products with a high calcium content, can promote prostate cancer and ovarian cancer, but it can on the other hand protect against bowel cancer. This gives a dilemma. But evidence also seems to indicate that enough vitamin D hinders this negative effect of diary products. In either case it does not seem to be a good idea to totally stop using diary products, since you also need a good calcium supply for other reasons.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also male and female sex products.



About Weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric Surgery

Surgery to achieve weight loss is only done when diet, exercize and medications have not given the wanted result after long time and the person has so much excessive fat that it threatens the life, or makes him severely handicapped.

Candidates or this type of surgery must according to traditional criteria eithr have a BMI (body mass index) of 40 when tghe obesity do not yet have created serious complications. If the obesity allready gives complication, surgry will often be done with a BMI of 35 or more. There is however a movement to perform this type of surgery for patients with a BMI down to 30.

Such sururgery works by restricting physically the amount of nutrients taken up from the intestines, which can be done either by hindering the patient to consume as much food as before or by hindering much of the nutrients taken in by mouth from being taken up from the digestive tract. This can be done by sseveral methods:


By this method an adjustable ring is mounted around the upper part of the stomach ventricle that restricts the passage of food. The surgery is easy to perform, is usually done with a minimally invasive approach through small holes, can be reversed and requires short hospital stay.

After the surgery the patient is able to eat only slowly so that the total amount eaten each day diminishes greatly. The slow rate of food intake also gives hormons signalling satiety time to work before the stomach is full.


By this method one cuts away a great portion of the stomach ventricle from that part where the esophagus hoes in and the small intestine goes out. This part ois sewn togeather so that it resembles a tube. The part cut loose, is usualy taken out.

After the surgery the patient will be able only to eat small meals, but he also must eat some more meals a day than before. The small intestine will however keep its full capacity to take up nutrients.


By this method one separates the upper part of the stomach ventricle from the rest of the stomach. This upper parte is then connected into the samall intestine a long way further down. This creates an Y-structure. One arm of the Y goes up to the stomach ventricle. No food will pass through this arm, but the secretes from the liver will be delivered through it down to the rest of the small intestine. The other arm of the structure is the connection up to the upper stomach part and esophagus.

After this most of the ventricle and the upper portion of the small intestine will stay separated from the rest of the digestive tract, but can be reconnected again if wanted.

After this surgery, the patient will only have a small ventricle volume he can fill during meals and the space for uptake of nutrients will also be reduced.


Since the digestive system has less ability to take up nutrients after these types of surgery, the patient must live on a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. He must take an extra supply of vitamins and minerals, and especially vitamin B12. He must also eat more often each day to get the amount of food and water he needs.


The changes in the stomach ventricle will of cource be uncomfortable to the patient, because he cannot eat so much as before. There is also the danger that he will be able to eat only too little, othat he looses more weight than wanted.

The manipulations of the small intestine have the advantage that the patient can eat as before. However, it can cause too less of vital nutrients to be absorbed, like minerals and vitamins. The absorbtion capacity can also get so low that he looses too much weight. By hard physical activity in warm weather, the patient can also get severely dehydrated because he absobes too little of the fluid he consumes.

The patient can also get into the situation that he must eat unplesantly great amount of food to get all the nutrients needed.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.


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