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Subject: Re: Info about Kantia near Nafplio

Ντίνος και Δανάη (Η αγάπη)
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Date Posted: Thu, July 25 2019, 11:06:35
In reply to: spearhead 's message, "Re: Info about Kantia near Nafplio" on Wed, July 24 2019, 23:50:09

We also greet everyone.

Kantia beach we have been visiting for 7 season. We were also "instructed" when they asked us very nicely and explained to us "that especially during the season-July-August, it is advisable for nudism to be expected a little further away than at the main parking lot.
It is both practical and logical.
You do not have to be stressed on the beach for a while and what if a family with children or textile workers - usually people in the immediate vicinity - arrive at the beach. Lucy and Lukas probably meant the following description.

The beach is naturally "divided" into three sections.

The west-right side looking out to sea from where you park your car in the central parking lot is a nudist beach for everyone. For people who like to play ball games. Or they just love to sunbathe, or want to share conversations with others. ------ Kantia, Greece
Latitude: 37.520044 | Longitude: 22.94507 from this point all the way to its west end-right.

Then there is the so-called middle part, the one mentioned.
It is from the central parking to the left to the east. Latitude: 37.520044 | Longitude: 22.94507 left.

https://www.google.com/maps/dir/37.5279969,22.9565564/Kantia+beach/@37.520835,22.9467201,564m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x149ff369783b1a51:0x60 2d2! 1d22.9470196! 2d37.5206663! 3e0

Here we really recommend walking about 150+ meters and it's OK for nudism.
This place is recommended - it is ideal for naturist families or people who just jump for a moment to nudity to the sea and want to go back to the car and go on.
To avoid having to walk to this place on the sand of the beach, it is ideal to reach these places by walking through the woods where you will discover the entrance to the sea through the holes in the sand dunes.

The far eastern part of the beach is what we go there often called "intimate-quiet" quiet 21060 Kantia, Greece
Latitude: 37.5197 | Longitude: 22.951503

It has two special access routes.

https://www.google.com/maps/dir/37.5279969,22.9565564/Kantia+beach/@37.520835,22.9467201,564m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x149ff369783b1a51:0x60 2e! 1d22.9470196! 2d37.5206663! 3e0 then walk 150+ meters to the right on foot, and you will be at the place where it begins called the "intimate-quiet" part of the nudist beach of Kantia.
Or you can get there also this way
https://www.google.com/maps/dir/37.5285632,22.9549099/37.5201509,22.9525563/@37.5229267,22.9528848,569m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0 and then walk about 50 on your right meters and you will be on site. From the two mentioned parking lots you can go to these places in full nudity from your car.

It is ideal for people who are looking for peace of mind and reciprocity.
Due to the absence on this beach in comparison with many well-known adventurers of the individual :), this place is really suitable especially for couples, but also for individuals - both men and women who want to stay away from the attention of others and want to enjoy unlimited feeling expressions of intimacy, simplicity of nature and silence. In addition, there is also an opportunity to walk through the nature-woods right behind the sand dwellings. In addition, three years ago we met a couple from Holland, thanks to which we discovered camping :) in the woods behind the dunes.

The whole Kantia is unkempt. This has its advantages, but of course also the shortcomings.
But if Kantia were maintained, it wouldn't be such a perfect place. We suggest you take your water supplies, food and sun umbrellas with you.

Naked success

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Subject Author Date
Re: Info about Kantia near NafplioΝτίνος και Δανάη (Η αγάπη)Thu, July 25 2019, 11:58:42

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