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Date Posted: 16:16:59 02/20/06 Mon
Author: Jean
Subject: BYU for homeschoolers

Thought you all might be interested in this.


BYU : Independent Study in a Supported Environment

* Dual credit options
* High School transcript programs
* College application and admissions help
* ACT & SAT prep
* Free online course in genealogy
* One of the most affordable prices around!

Many homeschoolers and their parents become apprehensive as the high school years approach. Subject matter becomes more difficult, selections of courses increase, and the pressure of post graduation options often makes the homeschooling family question the decision to continue.

Fortunately, the Internet has given students access to structured, accredited courses that can not only supplement or complement a high school homeschooling program, but can replace one as well. In addition, programs with dual credit options allow students to complete their high school requirements and begin earning credit for college at the same time . This not only relieves the concerns about future options, but also gives students a jump on other traditional-based high school students.

BYU offers such opportunities through their Independent Study Program. The institution offers high school transcript programs, numerous courses for 7 th and 8th grade students, and dual credit courses, which means the options for homeschoolers are almost limitless.

Families wanting to use an entire high school program can enroll in one of two transcript programs offered by BYU. The transcript can then be used by college admissions offices as proof of educational background. Most colleges now require that students submit a transcript, not a diploma, as part of the college admissions process, which is beneficial to homeschoolers.

Each program is designed to be four years but students may complete the requirements more quickly. Students can enter the program at any point in their high school education and may apply credits earned previously from any accredited institutions to the program. Once students are accepted, their situation is examined and they receive an individualized outline of the courses they must pass in order to complete the program.

Students may complete most course work at home, but final examinations must be taken under the direction of a full-time educator or librarian who is not a relative of the student.

More Choices

While the structured transcript programs allow homeschoolers to have a complete high school education, students do not have to be enrolled in a transcript program to sign up for Independent Study courses.

7-8 Grade Courses

BYU also offers courses for middle school students, which include a wide range of fundamental and elective classes from Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, Health and PE to Art, Computers, Foreign Languages, and Music.

These courses allow students to prepare for high school as well as helping advanced students begin high school coursework earlier. This is a great benefit for students who wish to complete their high school requirements early and begin higher education.

Dual Credit Courses

BYU offers numerous online courses for high school students to be able to receive both high school and higher education credits for the same courses. By participating in the dual credit program, students can make substantial progress toward a college degree before finishing high school.

Many homeschoolers are comfortable with working ahead or outside of the traditional school model of age-based curriculum and generally accelerate their coursework. In addition, homeschool students tend to be self-motivated and self-directed, which helps them to plan their future and follow through on what it takes to get there.

By enrolling in dual credit courses, students are using their time efficiently, effectively, and wisely and put themselves ahead of others coming from a more auto-paced setting. This gives them the advantage when they begin their higher education in full.

Free Courses

In addition to the programs and courses discussed above, the BYU Independent Study Program offers free online courses in religion and genealogy including "Finding Your Ancestors" and "Introduction to Family History Research." Not only do these courses provide learners with great content they allow students (and parents) an opportunity to try out the process and to become familiar with online learning.

To access these courses and see how it works visit: http://ce.byu.edu/is/site/courses/freecourses.cfm

High School Transcript Program

The high school years can be a critical yet worrisome time for homeschoolers. The fact that there are programs that not only support homeschoolers but also encourage and showcase their strengths alleviates much of the concern and allows homeschoolers to continue to do what they do best.

The Standard Transcript Program at Brigham Young is a traditional high school program, which satisfies basic high school requirements for admission to college and prepares students to take the ACT or SAT exams. The program requires 24 credits in the following subjects: English (4), Fine Art (1), Social Science (3), Math (3), Science (3), Health/PE (1�), Computer Tech (�), Applied Tech Ed (1), and Electives (7)

The Advanced Transcript Program's requirements are more strenuous than those of the Standard Program. It also prepares students to take the ACT or SAT exams but is geared to better prepare students to enter competitive colleges or universities.

The total required credits is also 24, in the following areas: English (4), Writing/Literature (2), Foreign Language (2), Social Science (3), Math (4), Science (3), and Electives (6).


The Brigham Young University Independent Study Program is fully accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS), the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), and the Commission on International and Transregional Accreditation (CITA). Their accreditation source is reciprocal with other regional accreditation agencies, meaning that earned credits are generally transferable. However, it is always best to check with your local school before enrolling to make sure they will accept credit from Independent Study.

For more information contact:

BYU Independent Study
206 Harman Building
Provo UT 84602

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