Date Posted:09:53:53 06/24/05 Fri Author: Chuck in ND Subject: Kathy, I think you make a good point In reply to:
's message, "those would be terrible pictures to behold." on 04:46:43 06/24/05 Fri
but perhaps more than silence would be good on our part.
Silence is too often interpretted as approval. Is our silence being misinterpretted?
When I was on my mission I had a companion who had a fit everytime we walked past the butcher shop (just a few doors down from our aptmnt). This was in Portugal and the butcher would proudly hang his wares (skinned animals and animal parts) in the window. She thought it was SO GROSS and very wrong of the butcher to do that. I asked her "where do you think the meat comes from that you love to eat? If you can't stand to see what your meat eating really means to animals, then maybe you should be vegetarian."
I have often thought the same of the pro-life posters that use pictures of babies. They are horrible--they make me weep. And yet I have to say "If this nation approves of abortion then we need to SEE what abortion costs these babies. If we can't face that truth, then maybe we should reconsider what we are legalizing."
Years ago I was listening to a tape by James Dobson, explaining his political motivations, one of them being pro-life. In this tape he describes in some detail a D&X (partial-birth abortion). Unfortunately 8yos had come into the room without my knowing it and heard this part. I turned around just as Dobson was finishing this part and saw a look of utter shock and horror on his face that I will never forget. I kicked myself a thousand times for not being more aware of his presence and destroying his innocence. But it was a very good opportunity to explain to him why I work so hard in politics--that I HAD to stop the monsters who want to do this to babies.
It's a two-edged sword--it hurts the soul to think of this evil, but hopefully it compells us to greater involvement, inspires us to sacrifice to bring righteousness back to every facet of our nation.