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Date Posted: Monday, September 23, 11:57:52 GMT-4
Author: matt christian
Subject: Re: Conservation of energy (reprise!)
In reply to: Douglas 's message, "Conservation of energy (reprise!)" on Monday, September 23, 02:12:00 GMT-4

>I have a sister who is a nurse and she has seen many people die. She and other nurses have seen many "paranormal" things happen at the time of death. She has told me of people near death that have had many "visions." The nurses have reported many "paranormal" events about people near death.
My grangfather had a "near death" experience. He bled to death on the operating table and was clinically dead for many minutes. He said later during that incident that he saw "the golden gates of heaven and angels." He also expeienced great peace and joy and heard great music.
Somebody I worked with had a daughter die in an auto accident. She was 18. A 6 year old survived. The young survivor said she saw the 18 yeas olds "spirit walk around the car and Jesus take her to heaven." That was her vision.
When my father died in front of me, my sister, amd brother we all 3 felt a "very heavy warm air" around the bed. It was like a magnetic force. It was amazing and never felt before or sense. I said to my sister if she felt that! She said yes, and it happened once before when a patient of hers died in front of her. The other nurses felt it as well. The truth is millions of near death experiences have happened and only a few are known. Many remain secrets throught the world. The apostle paul says he had a possible "out of body" experience in ( 2 corinthians 12:1-4). Human understanding is finite. People should be humble and open minded. There is so little we see in this life. Miracles have happened and are recorded in the bible. Is anyone listening? By the way doesnt Jesus resurrection sream "afterlife" for humans!
matt christian, from lexington ky, usa, to my english friends.

So there I was tonight...watching a show on the
>Discovery Channel about a family in Georgia, USA,
>who've been living with ghosts for years. That got me
>thinking about this web site that I posted on about a
>year-and-a-half ago. Imagine my surprise when I saw
>all the feedback for "Conservation of energy!" I'd
>given up, there, thinking that no one else had any
>thoughts. Well, I suppose I was wrong.
>A little background...I'm a fireman. In fact, I was
>on shift at the firestation when I wrote that post.
>I've since been to paramedic school (yes, of course I
>passed!) and learned a little about how the body
>creates electricity. I won't get into details, but
>the body creates action potentials by shuffling
>positive and negative ions around until the polarity
>reaches a point where there's enough energy to do
>whatever's required--such as cardiac contraction.
>So how does this tie in with the conservation of
>energy post? I have no idea. Actually, I'm pretty
>sure the two don't relate.
>I am a little surprised, though, that I haven't
>experienced any paranormal activity. In my line of
>work, I've seen a lot of people off to the "other
>side." You'd think that would have some kind of an
>effect, but no. Here's something that you guys might
>find interesting, though... I work with a guy who
>actually had a CPR save in the back of an ambulance (a
>very rare occurrence.) While the guy was clinically
>dead--cardiac and repiratory arrest--my friend was
>doing chest compressions on him, cursing at him all
>the while. "Come on, G--dammit! Don't you die on me,
>you M.F.-er!" That sort of thing. Well, at some
>point the guy regained consciousness. Breathing on
>his own and everything. The lucky fellow told my
>friend that he could hear him the whole time. He
>remembered the cursing and everything! My friend
>never said if the guy had the floating above the whole
>scene, looking down at himself sort of experience. I
>also don't know the down time that the brain was
>deprived of oxygen.
>This scenario kind of sheds a little light on what's
>happening to a person's soul when the body has died.
>At least, I think it does. Any thoughts? Comments?

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  • Re: Conservation of energy (reprise!) -- penny, Wednesday, February 19, 05:00:37 GMT-4

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