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Date Posted: 18:30:02 12/21/02 Sat
Author: Robert
Subject: My letter to FOX Network
In reply to: Robert 's message, "I wrote to FOX and my letter was returned as undeliverable!" on 11:25:32 12/21/02 Sat

The following is the text of my letter to FOX Network, which I mailed to them on November 25th. The letter was returned to me on December 18th as undeliverable. I have omitted here only my name and address. I wanted to re-send the letter, but I haven't been successful in finding a better address.

November 25, 2002

FOX Broadcasting Co.
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

Attn: Programming Director for Firefly

Dear Sir,

I am writing to state that Firefly is one of my favorite television shows, and I am writing to complain about FOX's treatment of this show.

Firefly is a brilliant mixture of the western and science fiction genres. The morally ambiguous nature of the lead characters reminds me of the old 50's western show Maverick, another of my favorites. I harbor great respect for the work of Joss Whedon. I will eagerly watch anything he produces. Mr. Whedon shows a tremendous understanding and love for genre television, and he shows even greater respect for the loyal intelligent viewers. FOX, on the other hand, does not.

I want to first complain about FOX's general treatment of viewers and fans. FOX canceled two science fiction shows (that I am aware of) in the middle of cliffhangers (Alien Nation and VR5). I am told that FOX did this also to the show Space: Above and Beyond. I don't personally know this as I didn't follow the show. Regardless, I consider it the very zenith of arrogance and disrespect to allow a show to be canceled in the middle of an unresolved cliffhanger. I am not suggesting that FOX shouldn't cancel underperforming shows. However, if FOX is not willing to guarantee that a show will be renewed, then FOX should not allow the producers to end a season with a cliffhanger. As an alternative, the fans should be provided one more episode or made-for-television movie, to tie up the unresolved loose ends. I respect and thank FOX for doing exactly this for Alien Nation. But, I still am disgusted that VR5 was never resolved.

Regarding Firefly, if I didn't know any better I would think that FOX is purposely trying to make it fail. FOX shows the episodes out of order, thus depriving viewers of a proper introduction to the story, themes and characters. My information comes from the Aint it Cool News website, and I am inclined to believe it. The first episode should have properly presented the characters and their backgrounds, but The Train Job did not do this. Consequently, my friends complain that they can't follow the show; they don't understand the characters. Also, the episode Safe included scenes in the previously shown prologue that have not yet in fact been shown. By shuffling the order of the series, FOX is disrespecting the producers who want to tell a story, and the fans who want to follow it. CBS did the same thing to the show Space Rangers back in 1993 and, in my opinion, the show quickly died largely as a result.

Even worse, FOX has preempted the show four times in its very short existence. The preemption of the episode Our Miss Reynolds went completely unannounced. My FOX affiliate delayed it till 11:00pm that night, but did not announce that they were doing so. I was unreasonably lucky to get the information from their website in time. How can Firefly build a substantial loyal fanbase if the viewers don't know when or if it will even be shown? I thank FOX for announcing the subsequent preemptions, though I still don't like it. Preemptions break the flow of the show, and break the viewer's habits of watching it each Friday night. Please note that UPN has not preempted Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They merely go to repeats until they are ready to show new episodes. In spite of their other great faults, UPN is willing to show respect for the fans.

As much as I admire Firefly, how can I recommend it to my friends when FOX so mistreats the show and the viewers? If FOX screws up this show, then it will be the last show on FOX that I watch.


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