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Date Posted: 23:44:06 12/21/02 Sat
Author: Rufus
Subject: You think the last rant was X rated I'll be interested to the reaction to Tim Minear.....


Date Posted: 11:04:27 12/21/02 Sat
Author: Simon
Author Host/IP: host213-122-15-98.in-addr.btopenworld.com /
Subject: Tim on the final days of filming Firefly

from Buffistas.org

Tim Minear - Dec 21, 2002 3:12:12 am EST #937 of 975 Mark

Well, I told you so. Yes I did.

And for those who are wondering if maybe we reworked the pilot -- for certainly what you saw can't have been what Fox insisted was too "slow and uninvolving," thereby putting the stink of failure on the show before we ever had a chance to air an ep -- not so much. Joss added the battle scene at the top of the ep, added one or two lines of clarification, but by and large -- yep. That's what Fox didn't want us to air.

By-the-by... after Joss added the battle scenes and tightened throughout and basically answered any problems the network could have had with "Serenity"... from what I understand they never even looked at it. The choice had been made. Stick it on a shelf. I think that was probably a mistake.

What a strange week.

Two and half days into my eight day shoot (I was directing) for this last episode, they cancelled us.

Joss and I were still writing the script. It had been our latest-latest. One large reason for the not being finished: the not knowing. Made it somewhat difficult to concentrate.

So I was, as is often my custom, making it up as I went along. Once the other shoe dropped, it was almost a relief. I only mean that in the torture-is-the-not-knowing sense -- after being treated so shabbily for so long.

But we returned to work on friday, finished the scene we'd left dangling the day before (we wrapped early the moment the news came down), and somehow mushed through until today. Nathan came up to me that day after and said, "I thought it would be really hard to get through today. But I had so much fun." We all did.

Today was kind of a bummer. I finished shooting my episode yesterday. We shot a gigantic flashback battle scene with Mal and Zoe. It was great fun.

But today was a day for pick-ups and added scenes for episodes nearing completion and some small reshoots. Part of that was pieces of a montage for "Heart Of Gold." Alan, Sean, Summer and Jewel wrapped out yesterday (at the end of the night I had one group shot of the entire cast walking together. I finally got it after they quit goofing off for twenty minutes, breaking the crew up as they did "model runway walks" complete with turns and snaps. I have that on film. I knew it was likely the last time the entire cast would be together in a frame of film. Maybe ever. So that was kind of wonderful. And kind of sucked)

Morena, Gina, Ron, Adam and Nathan worked today. Anyway, one of the sets was a small rebuild of a tiny portion of a larger set from the aforementioned "Heart Of Gold." Each character had a shot or two for this montage.

I brought in Gina, we shot her shot, then the AD announced, "that's a "Firefly" wrap for Gina."

When an actor, usually a guest actor, finishes his or her last scene in an episode, that is what happens. The AD (assistant director) announces, "That's an episode wrap for so-and-so."

Doesn't happen with regulars.

But it did today.

Gina got a long and loving round of applause from the crew. She said many warm and wonderful things. We hugged. She left.

Then I brought in Ron. Same thing. "That's a "Firefly" wrap for Ron Glass." Ron couldn't speak at first. He finally said, "I didn't know it could be like this." He thanked everyone and talked about what a special experience this had been for him. We applauded some more. After many hugs, Ron left. The AD called for "the next victim."

I was starting to hate this ugly little set. These unexpectedly generous, grateful actors would come in to it, and that would be all. "That's a "Firefly" wrap for Nathan." Nathan thanked everyone. For about the ten millionth time.

Adam was brought onto the set. He lit a cigar, held up a gun. Smiled. That was the shot. Adam's last shot. "That's a "Firefly" wrap for Adam Baldwin." Adam thanked everyone. He said no one ever let him be funny before. He was grateful for that. He said he was glad everyone seemed to appreciate what a really exceptional experience our time had been. He was glad that it wouldn't have to be regarded as such in retrospect, but that the gratitude was of the present.

Adam and Nathan hung out until Morena shot her scene. Nobody wanted to leave. "That's a "Firefly" wrap for Morena." She said it was the best job she'd ever had. Not that she'd had a lot of jobs, she said. She doesn't want it to be over. None of us do. Then I packed up my things. Shook hands.

I drove off the lot. I got home. Turned on the TV. And they were finally airing the pilot.

That's a "Firefly" wrap.

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