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Date Posted: 19:15:31 12/20/02 Fri
Author: Darby
Subject: I was absolutely, totally wrong, and so was Fox (Serenity spoilers)

Not enough action????

Okay, that in and of itself was stupid.

Anyway, I recently said that maybe Fox had been right to try to get an actiony hour up front, although the later hours were better than the earlier ones. I had figured that the early ones were an indication that the pilot wasn't that strong either. I couldn't have been more wrong.

As an introduction to the Firefly universe, this was much of what the later shows weren't - it gave a comprehensive picture of a system strongly influenced by Chinese and American culture, rather than the occasional word. The later backwaters would have made much more sense with this haves and have-nots foundation, and I find that I'm withdrawing a lot of my past complaints (not all of them, but I'm tough to please - and c'mon, terraforming gravity??). They even came close to explaining the dichotomous nature of the Companions (but it still doesn't quite hold up).

And the character sketches! Except for a Book who seemed contradictory to what comes later (I'll buy a cover story, but I don't know why one would be necessary in his conversation with Inara), this was one of the finest introductions of an ensemble that I've ever seen.

As usual, this is just first impressions, but I had to throw an apology of sorts up...

- Darby, who suggests that a bit of marinara and romano cheese really improves the taste of crow...

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