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Date Posted: 16:11:17 10/11/02 Fri
Author: Ete
Subject: Re: With no episode, new or old, to talk about this week
In reply to: Cactus Watcher 's message, "With no episode, new or old, to talk about this week" on 07:49:34 10/11/02 Fri

1. Are you watching Firefly primarily because of
a. Joss' track record.
b. I like sci-fi.

and because the premises of the show that Joss described looked interresting to me.

2. Are you a fan of Star Trek? If so, what do you like and dislike about the franchise? Feel free to talk about individual series, and the movies separately or to lump them together.

Er... no. Never caugh more than a few old ST serie and the NG one. Never got much interrested. Couldn't say exactly why.

3. Are you a fan of Star Wars? What do you like and dislike about it.

Fan ? Hardly. It's got some fun moment, but i consider it only mild entertainment. Still haven't seen the ep 2.

4. Are you a fan of Babylon 5? Are all 'deep' sci-fi TV shows doomed to both low ratings, and to being pushed to the margins of broadcasting?

Never watched Bab5. Not sure of when it passed on french TV. Anyway missed it. I do watch some fairscape episodes when I remember it or am home then and kinda like it.

5. If you like sci-fi, what are some of your other favorites, TV, books or movies?

No, seriously, you want a list of my fav' sf books, authors and movies ? Do you even realise what you're asking ? pfff :)

Lois Mc Master Bujold
Mike Resnick
Ian Mc Banks
Greg Egan
Ursula K Leguin
Orson Scott Card
Neal Stephenson
Bruce Sterling
Elisabeth Vornarburg (great quebecoise author...)
Roger Zelazny
Jack Vance
Van Vogt
CS Friedman
Tim Powers
Fredric Pohl
Sheri Tepper
Mary Gentle
David Brin
Greg Bear
Kim Stanley Robinson
Tad Williams
Walter Jon Williams
Philip Jose Farmer
Connie Willis

I'm sure I've forgotten some :)
I will spare you the fantasy author and the french ones.

As for movies, shorter list :
Brazil, the Army of the 12 monkeys, Dark city, eXistenZ, Gattaca, Minority Report, Starship Troupers...

6. Westerns have mostly faded from the tv screen. Do you have any old favorites? Do you have any favorite Western movies? Do you think the genre is worn out?

I'm too yound to have seen most westerns. Or maybe just too french. Humm when i was younger there were that TV show Pony Express or something. I didn't say it was much good, but it was probably my deeper experience with western. Unless you wanna count Laura Ingalls in. (I must here claim very loud that my sister who was stronger than me had the hold of the TV command all through my youth :)

7. I would say that Buffy and Angel are about complex relationships and tearing down fixed ideas about good and evil. Assuming Firefly gets the chance to develop do you think it will follow the same pattern?

Yes, but not on the same scale. Well Joss says it's about individuals took in History, but because it has all those larger scale themes, it means they can talk about cultures, about the ambigus morality of political powers etc. (Not sure if I'm clear)

8. Play Joss for a moment. Where do you think the meatiest potential parts of Firfly lie?

The Frontier. Because a limit is a place of conflict and communication, confrontations of every kind, exchanges and changes. That's what I wanna see in this serie, very different people forced to interract between each other because of the situation (historical and geographical) they are in and thus discover new things about themselves and the universe. (I think I was clearer there :)

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