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Date Posted: Thursday, February 24, 03:50:42pm
Author: Catsma
Subject: Well.....(r)
In reply to: EllenM 's message, "A leeetle bit OT--question for LFN fans of '24' (r)" on Thursday, February 24, 10:18:24am

I can shed light on some of your issues..

As far as the makeup goes, I have had major problems with it. Apparently they shoot in high def for high def tvs and the makeup for that is apparently different. They seem to have forgotten that 90% of us don't have high def tv's...LOL. It was a learning process for them, obviously..*g* and I have been snarking the makeup job on the 24 boards since the beginning of this season. It's not just Alberta they make look bad, they did an awful job on Shoreh Arghdashloo who plays TerrorMom too.

As for the Erin character, Alberta said herself last night on her board that they've cut lines and scenes that would have given Erin cojones. For instance, when Tony was re-instated into CTU, she had a scene where she fought it. Was that left in? Nooo..the one where she meekly hands him his gun and badge was. As for the thing with Heller taking over CTU, she had a scene where Erin confronts him and asks him who is running CTU, she or him? That was cut too. There was also another good scene from this week where she and Lana Parilla who plays Sarah Gavin had a go round and thats gone.

Do I have any clue why they're doing this? Nope. And I think it's a pity they've done this. They've wasted good talent and completely ruined what could have been a fascinating character. It's gotten to be the St Jack saving the world all the time show and only he does anything right.

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