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Infinite Valley

The land is sharp and hilly- jagged hills slice the ground and stand defiantly high above. There is a harsh smell in the air, a scent of death, of torment. But there is an air of pride and honor; the land watched the lives of many a strong stallion and mare through love, heartbreak, war, and pain. Foreboding twists within you like heartbreak, yet something bids you press on.
Descending the malformed, grotesque slope, you arrive at long last in the very pit of the land, what could be very generously termed a valley. Gazing upwards, all that can be seen is the tiniest sliver of a blackened sky, and peering along the wide rift in the earth, you see no end to this devastated terrain. At last you have found it- Infinite Valley.
A tall, slender, chestnut stallion emerges from the shadows. This is his territory, he has seen it develop, he has seen leaders come and he has helped make it great. This is Starlight Express, and this is his domain.

Alpha Stallion: Starlight Express (X)
Alpha Mare:

Back-up Lead Stallion:
Back-up Lead Mare:

Beta Stallion:
Beta Mare:





Current Events:
Ok, if you are actively living here, post! I deleted everyone's names and I will put them back on if you want, but I honestly have no idea who lives here anymore! I want activity.

E-mail Vague

E-mail X

The Dark Side

  • hey x -- Des, 16:01:27 12/10/02 Tue
    u goin to the snow ball?

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  • *In a whirl of gold......* -- X, 16:44:43 12/10/02 Tue
    *The slender chestnut stallion dissolves into the air and a young man stands in his place. He is very tall, around 6'3", and very slender. Sandy brown hair falls into his shining blue eyes. His tanned, leathery skin is covered in freckles, adding a youthful edge to his character. His age is greatly reduced by the transformation and he stands before the mare, shaking the hair out of his eyes.* Excuse me ladies, I think I have a ball to attend. *His smile lights up his face. He turns on his heel, but this time he will be going to the ball without the love of his life.*

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  • Ooh a party -- Vague, 22:10:37 12/08/02 Sun
    She looks mildly amused. A party, how enjoyable. She suddenly wondered, crestfallen; Was it a couples party? Her heart thudded against her chest. She hoped not. Stretching a long foreleg she swishes her tail free of dried grass.

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  • Well, obviously I am home. (OOC. Georgia is so nice, not as cold as it is up here) Could anyone please give me an update of anything that may have happened? -- X, 14:07:15 12/04/02 Wed
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  • +entrance to her destined home+ -- Lasting Tribute, 12:43:30 12/04/02 Wed
    +The mare enters the territory, greeting the leader, surveying the herd+ Hello, my name is Lasting Tribute, but you can call me Red +the mare looks at the leader, deep brown eyes blinking slowly+ I am also Irresistables old friend, from where she used to live, on the farm +peers about with liquid eyes, seeking her friend+

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  • ~trots around meanlessly~ -- , 18:58:04 12/05/02 Thu
    just felt like doing something to show, HEY, im on here~she canters around some more, working out her energy~

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  • X...EVERYONE -- Des, 17:36:37 12/04/02 Wed
    Ok...I got in twouble!...From now on...I am only gonna be online on fridays and saturdays for one hours...dammit..

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  • My path is strewn with corpses -- Sapphire's Devil, 21:03:41 11/30/02 Sat
    A raven andulasion mare, around 15 hands high, gallops in. As she halts to a stop she rears up as high as she can go, slashing at the air with her sharp hooves, and trumpets her arrival. As she lands on all fours gracefully, she looks around with her dial held high. "I seek a place to stay." She says looking around for the leads of the herd. "For I have traveled long and have been through much."

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  • *again in a moment of solitude and a flood of thoughts and memories, she stands serenely with her back to the breeze, letting it pull at her tail and send her mane into wisps of fiery threads* -- Ivory Shadow, 17:19:23 11/23/02 Sat
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  • *trots through the TT aimlessly then stops abrupstly before taking off at a flat out gallop and sliding to a hlat then dropping her head to graze* -- KMD, 18:21:11 11/30/02 Sat
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  • must i prove myself -- , 13:31:54 12/01/02 Sun
    some horses were telling me that you had to prove yourself to be in a herd~she bows down, then looks up~must i? because i will if it is necissary~there is a thurst of adventure in her eyes while she stands up, waiting for a reply~

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  • ** a mare with death in her steps trots in** -- Orient, 14:36:57 11/29/02 Fri

    Name: Orient

    NN- Orient



    Breed: Arabain

    Color: White

    Personality - Why dont you find out ?!?

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  • Well, I will be in Georgia leavig tomorrow morning and returning Tuesday night. So I obviously will not be able to be here. Ivory Shadow is in charge so she better get herself active. Otherwise, KMD is the lucky one. *SHe smiles* Don't screw up! -- Emily (X), 16:05:09 11/28/02 Thu
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  • *chesnut mare with fire in her eyes trots up* -- Playing with Fire, 10:41:28 11/23/02 Sat
    *she looks around for the bay stally she had seen before, she is frightened, not knowing anyone*

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  • *Walks around slowly trying to decide what to do* -- Amurath, 22:27:32 11/15/02 Fri
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  • -Bite of Pain- -- Frost Bite, 17:22:06 11/24/02 Sun
    -a large snowy white mare gallops in-

    Sister of Spectral Ice, Here Comes The Sun, and Liquid Fire, of all she hates
    Here Come The Sun
    } Both Lights
    Spectral Ice

    of all her family...she hates spectral ice the most

    ((their pix:))

    and finally..theres her best friend...Taro Jirona

    Now you have seen here whole history....will you accept her?

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  • *watches the herd quietly, for once not making a ruckus or rolling around in the dirt, she stands lazily, one ear flopped to the side* -- Knock Em Dead, 23:00:08 11/22/02 Fri
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  • ~Enters~ -- Rav'n Dancer, 11:14:55 11/26/02 Tue

    Vix'n entered. She looked around for Skip.

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  • X ->>> -- Des, 17:19:20 11/26/02 Tue
    Sadly, i will be in miami from Nov. 28th to Dec. 3rd so dont expect to see my post within that time period, however, we may bring our lap top to the hotel..so we'll just have to see

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  • Idle -- Vague, 19:14:29 11/24/02 Sun
    She stands listlessly, her deep orchid eyes closed. She was, for once, asleep. Her mind didn't twitch behind closed eyes. Her ears were relaxed, and a hind foot was cocked.

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  • .: LiTtLe StEeD :. -- Rocket, 17:35:48 11/20/02 Wed
    Hello! Anybody want to play? Cuz I do! .: Light prancing and pawing at the ground :.

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  • *He trots back in slowly* I am not waiting for that fool. When he wants me, he can come and get me. -- X, 17:47:45 11/15/02 Fri
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  • [<<] X [>>] -- Megan/Vague, 15:18:55 11/17/02 Sun
    Hey! I just wanted to tell you now that I'm not going to be here next weekend [Nov 23-25]. I'm going to be at a horsey clinic!


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  • -]Gallops Along Rather Boredly[- -- Desmon's Oracle, 11:01:19 11/11/02 Mon
    -]SHe gallops along, making sharp turns as a quarter horse would while running barrels, she was feeling rather alone, she loox around for X, hoping to talk for a while[-

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  • Dammit. X, I forgot the passy. Can you AIM me again? srries... -- Ivory Shadow, 11:57:35 11/16/02 Sat
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  • Hey guys, if someone is any good at computer stuff, I could desperately use your help on this territory! I'm not so good at this and I have no idea what all of the little code thingy's are. I am not so good with computers, haha -- Emily, 14:52:26 11/05/02 Tue
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  • *Low bugle* -- Skip, 17:56:26 11/13/02 Wed
    Rocket? *He calls out, his voice clear and silky.*

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  • *He wearily stands before the herd again.* I apologize, Ziraga is keeping me in his territory because I am no heading a council. I will return but again, Ivory Shadow and KMD are in charge, if there any major problems, please come get me. Again, I apologize. -- X, 14:56:42 11/14/02 Thu
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  • *jet black mare canters around the tt letting out a series of bucks here and there, her energy overwhelming her as she finally twists around and wires herself out like a fiesty bronco* -- Knock Em Dead, 18:36:38 11/11/02 Mon
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  • *He wearily stands once again before his herd. His face construed in an expression that no one can really read.* There will be no war......at least with the lights. *A cynical smile laugh escapes his lips* We will see what happens. -- X, 10:09:10 11/11/02 Mon
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  • -=Death is Comming Quickly=- (Desmon's Oracle) -- Tommie, 21:05:54 11/08/02 Fri
    *he trots in looking for the only one that ever understood him*

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  • OOC>>>> -- Skip, 15:49:59 11/10/02 Sun
    Hi all, I am working on an RPG that I've had for a few years and it is going to be good-evil for the first time.
    I need some help, and members to start off with. To see the start of the evil page click here. and i put this evil pic for cm on it temporarily so i know for reference where it belongs. Therefore, I need a pic personalizer because Jasc is acting stupid on my PC, and my dad won't fix it. So if you want to help, post here or email me.

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  • .:PrAnCeS:. -- Rocket, 11:13:27 11/10/02 Sun
    Dad, will mom ever come back?

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  • She cocks a hind hoof, her eyes closed. -- Vague, 21:29:55 11/09/02 Sat
    But she does not sleep. Her mind is very much alive and wide awake. She hears Ivory and X's voices carry over the otherwise silent territory. Her tail swishes gently over her hocks. Opening her eyes slowly she crosses her eyes to look at her horn, straight and true on her forehead. Why didn't she just leave to the Mythicals and be done with it? she reasoned with herself. Did she want to be lead mare? She arched her neck, loosening the muscles. Maybe she did...

    No! What was she thinking? She was irresponsible, irritating and useless. She could never hold a position, ever. No matter the begging. But with the war coming, oh no. War. She was really not looking forward the that. That nightmare which she had just barely left behind. She had come here to escape it. If war did break out, she would run. She hated to flee like a frightened rabbit, but she had seen war, and she hated it with a passion.

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  • *she gazes out over the land, one half of it met with a roving, chocolate eye, and the other reflected in the cloudy depths of her lone blue, blind eye* -- Ivory Shadow, 20:43:25 11/05/02 Tue
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  • *He stands before his meager but growing herd, calling for their attention.* -- X, 23:47:08 11/08/02 Fri
    I am going to Ziraga's territory to find news about the declaration of war. *His face is creased with worry lines, for this stallion has seen war, he lived for war, but after going through those times of bloodshed and death over foolish claims, he knows that it must be a grave and honorable reason for him to see his home torn to pieces again.* While I am gone, i am sure you can govern yourselves, but Ivory Shadow and Knock 'Em Dead are in charge. I may call on one of you as an aid in the future. *He turns on his heel and canters out of the the territory.*

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  • -Leaves Forest of Shadows- -- Desmon's Oracle, 18:22:04 11/05/02 Tue
    -a midnight purple bruja canters in, her steel hooves creating a rythimatic Sound upon the rocky ground, she tosses her black mane behind her neck as she surveys her hopefully new home, she whinnies to allow X to notice her arrival, her red eyes search for him, she snorts boredly-

    Dubbed-Desmon's Oracle
    Midnight Purple with Black Mane and Tail and red eyes
    Fierce, Protective, brave smart and strong

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  • ~*tame one*~ -- Myrah, 18:11:39 11/06/02 Wed
    I seek the one called Skip, is he here?

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  • Vague, I amnot trying to rush you into a decision, but will you please let me know if you will be staying or going when you come to a decision. -- X, 16:30:31 11/05/02 Tue
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  • ~*jet black mare gallops around boredly, zigzaggin back and forth sending up large clouds of dust in the action^~^then sliding to a full hlat and doubling back to do it again^~ -- Knock Em Dead, 19:53:39 11/06/02 Wed
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  • *beautiful flirty bay mare trots in and looks around* -- Mystic Cloud, 17:46:03 11/05/02 Tue
    *she looks around for the lead*

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  • *A destroyed steed stumbles in* -- ...you'll find out..., 14:48:05 10/25/02 Fri
    *He falls flat to the ground, his voice of a choking scream weakened by the long 3 years that passed. His eyes are grey and cloudy, for all the life has flushed out of them. His breathing is heavy with sickness. His ears are loose and furry, floppimg around with no strength left to hold them. His mane's length is hard to tell. It is ridden with dried blood, earth, and sweat. It would take a brush of titanium to separate the hairs. It's color is a dingy black. The coat once a sleek golden bay is severely damaged by scars and fresh wounds. It is stained red with blood, and it's color is muddy. His ribs stick right through the beast...he is so skinny! His tail once long and flowing is now short--it had been cut right through the skin and bone! His scrawny legs have chipped and broken hooves caked with mud of the harsh terrain. He comes back to find mercy once more in his life. His hurt voice crackles...* Dad...help...please...its...me...remember? Skip?

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  • -searches for the one dubbed Ivory Shadow- -- Ala Venus, 17:40:12 11/03/02 Sun
    M'lady Ivory Shadow, I, Ala Venus, a tigress from Fatal Blow, evil tt, am on a quest, If you dont mind, My quest is to ask you, Wat happened to your eye...Thank you m'lady.

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  • *Passing By* -- Amurath, 22:21:36 10/27/02 Sun
    *Feeling a little out of place from her rather long “vacation”* Wow I have missed a lot! *Swishes her tail nervously *

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  • ...I'm bouncin' off the walls again... -- Vague, 21:02:47 10/26/02 Sat
    She canters aimlessly, tossing her long silken mane in time with an eerie tune that she's singing. Spinning on her hind legs, she canters a few strides then turns back and bucks. Purple optics hold a mischevious glint to them, occasionally masked by a thick forlock.

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  • She strides in confidently. -- Vague, 22:29:27 10/20/02 Sun
    The dark pelted unicorn ambles in, her finely-made head held high. Small shapely ears flick around the territory, listening to the sickening semi-quiet of it. Her purpleish eyes glimmer with interest. Delicate paper-thin nostrils flare as she smells what was a long history of intriuge in the territory. She awaits to be approached by someone.

    {I can only get on on the weekends.}

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  • *the mare suddenly reappears, her familiar lone blind eye reflecting her beloved lands with a tear forming... she was home.* -- Ivory Shadow, 19:04:49 10/20/02 Sun
    (alright guys, I'm sorry about that. you don't have to keep me in any high position or anything respectful if you don't want to. I kinda broke my loyalty streak anyway... lol)

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  • +she gallops in swiftly,skidding to a halt+ I need to speak with the leader and only the leader of this territory.I have a message from the king. +she waits patiently+ -- Shattered Soul, 20:07:36 10/19/02 Sat
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  • Knock 'Em Dead, i will check through the neutral lands, if you check through the lights? -- X, 14:19:49 10/19/02 Sat
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  • Starlight Express -- Fran, 09:48:32 10/19/02 Sat
    -smiles- I'm glad Ziraga gave this place to you. I was going to do that anyway- I was just waiting for Lizzy's response, because she didn't have an internet connection for a while. Email me for the password. cloudwaterrain@yahoo.com

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  • NEW HORSE RPG!!!!!!!! -- owner, 21:18:51 10/18/02 Fri
    Wishful Woods yes...its another RPG....does it hurt to try it? This one was sparked by CM and will grow over time... it has an enchanted castle... a talking willow tree... and beautiful tts... please come and try it... my partner and I have worked hard...

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  • Knock 'Em Dead, perhaps, while were are waiting, you would like to search for a quest with me? It is something to do afterall. If you are interested, meet me down there -- X, 14:35:20 10/18/02 Fri
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  • * He stands before the meager amount of horses remaining in the territory, his eyes are tired and he sighs* Ok, here is the newest update, Terror and Apathan are supposedly returning to figure out what to do with the territory, so I recant my last statement, I would advise you staying until they decide what to do. *His face hardens with anger* It looks as though they might give it to another stallion, Blade. -- X, 10:41:14 10/12/02 Sat
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  • As acting lead stallion of this territory, I advise all of you to get out. This territory is tainted with a past that cannot be healed. I know there are barely any of you left as it is, but I am moving to Ziraga's tt, and advise you all to do the same. -- X, 09:49:49 10/11/02 Fri
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  • Ahhhhhhh I'm srry to abandon you guys like this, but I've gotta quit Ivory... -- Ivory Shadow, 15:32:38 10/01/02 Tue
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