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Infinite ValleyThe land is sharp and hilly- jagged hills slice the ground and stand defiantly high above. There is a harsh smell in the air, a scent of death, of torment. But there is an air of pride and honor; the land watched the lives of many a strong stallion and mare through love, heartbreak, war, and pain. Foreboding twists within you like heartbreak, yet something bids you press on.Descending the malformed, grotesque slope, you arrive at long last in the very pit of the land, what could be very generously termed a valley. Gazing upwards, all that can be seen is the tiniest sliver of a blackened sky, and peering along the wide rift in the earth, you see no end to this devastated terrain. At last you have found it- Infinite Valley. A tall, slender, chestnut stallion emerges from the shadows. This is his territory, he has seen it develop, he has seen leaders come and he has helped make it great. This is Starlight Express, and this is his domain. Alpha Stallion: Starlight Express (X)
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