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Subject: Episode 2.1: Crowded (part one)

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Date Posted: 01:01:51 05/16/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: inktomi2-gfd.server.ntl.com/

Episode One: Crowded House

The sun is shining down on Boston on a bright May afternoon.

Thalia is skating along the promenade casually she spins to a stop as Andrew and Garrison cheerfully pop out of nowhere.

“Hey boys” she smiles

“Hey Thalia” Garrison smiles as Andrew clings tightly to his arm

“Andrew” Thalia nods

“Hi, can we go now?” he asks Garrison impatiently

“Sure” Garrison says smiling at him affectionately

“Where’s the party at?”

“Not where I’m going” Garrison frowns

Andrew talks at speed with excitement “We’re going to a comic book convention”

“Right, well, I think I’ll…go…eat glass or something”

Garrison laughs as Andrew runs over the street to get some candy

“Why are you going if you don’t enjoy it?” Thalia asks as she sits on a bench swapping her skates for shoes.

“Andrew loves it, makes him happy, so I can live with it”

“Sweet, well see ya” she says as she paces along the road, hair bouncing behind her in a new curled and darker style.

Thalia walks in to Dolly’s

“Hey honey” Dolly says as she pulls a pencil from behind her ear

“Hey, err…strawberry shake thanks”

“Coming right up. Hey Faith” Dolly waves

Thalia turns to see Faith and Dawn standing behind her

She squeals and jumps up and down “When did you guys get back?”

“Just now” Dawn says as Dolly hands Thalia the shake and the three of them begin to walk back to the apartment.

“Any good?” Thalia asks

“Buffy was kinda, Wiggin and not to keen on the sister thing but…she’s dealing” Faith says

“Dealing in a beat the crap out of the furniture and hand out detention like candy kind of dealing” Dawn follows.

Faith unlocks the door to the apartment, Dawn is ready to make another quip as they stop in their tracks.

There on the living room chair.

“Faith, Dawn…Thalia” Xander nods nervously.

Eliza Dushku
Michelle Trachtenberg
Tom Lenk
Lisa Roxanne
Ryder Strong

Guest Starring:
Nicholas Brendan, Jennie Garth, Tamin Sursok, Eric Balfour as Travis

Slayer 1527 (Cassia Marsilka – Greece)

Screen: ‘Greece, 1527’

A Young woman named Cassia Marsilka is running in the dark of night along the sandy beaches of Greece.
Her clothes are rags, she is clearly a poor girl likely escaping the townsfolk whose dinner she has stolen.

She continues to sprint over the rocks until she tumbles down, holding her ankle in pain she struggles to stand as a very large, very dark, very red eyed man leaps onto her. “End of the line, Slayer” he snarls as a grin slithers his face.

At sunrise a large group of drunken men pass and see the woman laying on the beach.. They call out that she is a “drunken whore” failing to notice the woman is dead.

Xander falls to the floor holding his face, as Faith is ready to go for another blow

“Faith, stop it!” Dawn squeals holding her arm.

Xander smiles at Dawn in thanks before she turns and snarls “He’s not worth it”

“Faith, at least let me talk” Xander says apologetically

“You’ve got five” she says gesturing him to the chair

Dawn and Thalia stand arms folded watching in interest.

“Five…like, alone” Xander says

The two girls throw down their arms and walk out skulking.

“Faith…” Xander moves in as she edges away “Sorry” he says raising his hands in surrender and moving back.

“It’s just, everything that happened and…I can’t do it anymore”

“Right. You can do it with Buffy for seven years, but, I drive you away after a few months?”

“Faith, it’s not you…I love…I care for you”

“So, what’s with the hide and seek? Come on Xan Man, what’s the deal or is it just a guy thing?” Faith starts to flare as she cracks her knuckles

“Faith, I’m twenty four years old, since I left High School, I’ve done nothing”

“I’d say you’ve done Stuff”

“I mean, nothing real. I nearly married a demon, lost an eye and prevented an apocalypse…I’ve never travelled or worked full time and…children, that’d be a plus before I get Caleb-fied” he smiles

“So, why didn’t you say anything? You don’t just let us think you’re dead for weeks and then come back, where were you?”

“I was in New York”

“With Anya?” Faith snaps

“Right, with…with Anya”

“So are the two of you…”

“No. No she’s seeing some visions guy called Cody”

“Right…so, you’re retiring? Does that mean…are you leaving again?”

Xander doesn’t need to speak to give Faith his answer, the two of them sit in silence.

Dawn & Thalia continue on down the road

“You think she’ll forgive him?” Thalia asks rather enthralled with her Ice Cream

“She’ll deal, I’m surprised she’s not a Lesbian yet” Dawn laughs “Men and Faith, bad thing”

“What about that wood guy?” Thalia asks

“Gay” Dawn says casually

“Oh, so will you forgive him?”

“For being Gay? Or Xander?” Dawns asks genuinely confused


Dawn stops in her tracks

“There’s nothing to forgive Thalia! He’s dead”

“What if he’s not?”

“Well…” Dawn begins to storm off “He’s dead to me!”

Dawn continues off down the promenade, as Thalia stands alone

“Issues” she says as a blob of ice cream rolls down her shirt.

“Damn!” She turns to walk down the alley back home where she physically bumps into Travis

“I didn’t actually kill you then” she smiles until he beats her across the head with a 2x4.

“You’ve got to be kidding” laughs Dawn as Linda enters the bar.

“Please, I need your help” she begs, whimpering

“You need our help, Miss. Crazy friend attacking tramp Barbie” Andrew says smiling proudly.

“Listen, I’m sorry. Really, it was the other two, It wasn’t…please” Linda is now crying and barely standing

“What happened to your arm?” Garrison asks, small sparks of genuine concern

“It was him…Travis, you didn’t…he’s still alive”

Dawn, Garrison and Andrew look around in shock

“Is he…how do we know you’re telling the truth?” Dawn hisses

“She is” comes that unique voice

They look over to see Lissy standing in the doorway.

“He’s been travelling, came to see me in Sydney, killed Shannon. Thalia’s been fighting him solo for the last few weeks, thought she killed him. She was wrong”

“What do you mean?” asks Andrew

“I mean, she was wrong and he’s pissed. Where is she?”

In a very dark, damn, basement at the G Spot club, Thalia is tied unconscious to a chair as Travis walks up to her and smiles wickedly.

Screen: ‘Munich, Germany 1923’

A young girl, Britta Kesler, is rushing frantically around her house looking for her bag.
When she finds it she slips it onto her shoulder and nods goodbye to her Mother.
"Sei nicht zu spät zu hause." "Werde ich nicht, Mutter". With that she leaves.

Many hours pass as Britta is chasing through an alley. She climbs a large wall before leaping down onto a large, horned demon.

"Du wirst nicht gewinnen, kleines Mädchen." It yells as it kicks her into the air furiously. Britta crashes into a wall before reacting

"I bin die Macht, ich werde gewinnen." He laughs at the remark before lifting her by the throat and crushing her neck "Es ist das Ende der Linie".

Lissy takes Linda into the back room of the bar whilst Garrison and Dawn head off to get Faith.

“So, you want to tell me what’s really going on?” asks Lissy as she sits opposite Linda.

“I told you”

“You told them. I’ve known you for nineteen years, don’t patronise me”

Linda can see the fire in her eyes and attempts to break from the room

“If you don’t trust me, I’ll just leave” she says sniffling

Lissy follows her to the door and pins her against the wall

“You’re not leaving, you’re telling me what the hell is going on”

“Nothing is going on Amaryllis!!! God, I’m your sister and you can’t trust me”

“Have you been walking blind for the last three years?? Since Ethan…”

“Dad” Linda corrects her

“Since Dad got out of that government initiative prison you’ve been just like him, evil”

“He was not evil” Linda shouts furiously

“Right, he just killed people, plotted death, stole and tortured”

“He wasn’t evil, he was…a fighter”

“Yeah, a fighter and being a fighter got him killed, he was sick, twisted and sick”

“He was not sick! He was a good man!” Linda is becoming clearly aggravated

“Yeah, I hardly think he’s next inline as the Pope!” Lissy laughs.

Angry at Lissy’s betrayal of her family Linda pulls a knife out from her bag and runs at her.
Within one blow Lissy knocks Linda across the room.

“Get the hell out of my life and get the hell off of this planet”.

Garrison and Dawn are walking along the street with great speed.

“Dawn, can I ask you something” Garrison asks awkwardly

“Don’t really have the time right now” she says sternly

“Please” he stops her

“Five seconds, go”

“What’s your problem?” he asks, very straight to the point

“Excuse me?” she says coming to a halt

“Ever since I’ve been with Andrew, you’ve been very…”

“Very what?” she snaps

“Very that! Kinda…a bitch”

“You think I’m a bitch?”

“Look, I know you’ve had a lot of rejection in your…”

“Not rejection” Dawn is getting defensive

“A lot of…issues then, but it’s not my fault and I’m not going to hurt him”

Dawn looks at Garrison up and down trying to work him out

“We need to save Thalia”

Back in the warehouse

“You know what Travis?” Thalia says pissed

“Faith and I, we’re not close, you’re not going to get to her by hurting me”

“Thalia, sweet” he begins “Faith, she’s so yesterday, you’re the feisty little minx that I’ve got my eye on now”

“So you’re not obsessed with Faith now? Good job, Xander being back and all”

Travis stops in his actions as his face drops “He’s back? Back like here? In Boston, he’s back?”

“No he’s back like a quarter, yes he’s back here dumbass”

Travis begins pacing nervously across the floor, fidgeting anxiously.

“Oh and Travis” Thalia smiles as she stands to her feet doing ‘Jazz hands’

“I can burn through rope”

The two begin to fight furiously blocking punches as much as handing them out.

Travis has Thalia pinned by the throat, to the ground. She attempts to command her powers but is unable.

“Little princess in a panic? You’re on of those ‘I need a clear mind to work’ types huh?” Travis laughs as he sinks his teeth into her neck.

Thalia kicks her leg up knocking a candle from the table, it lands by Travis and begins to burn the ends of his jacket.

He leaps up screaming “May not have a clear mind, but I’ve sure as hell got a brain”

She slowly walks out, with a trail of attitude as Travis burns to a pile of dust.

As Thalia steps out of the warehouse Dawn, Garrison, Faith and Xander arrive, weapons at arms. Thalia smiles at them “Thanks”

“Hey you” Andrew says smiling as he wakes next to Garrison.

“Hey” Garrison replies rather empty as he steps out of bed to get dressed.

“Where are you going?”

“For a run”

“Oh, well, you want me to come with? I’m not much for the running but I could, drive next to you”

“No, you stay here, I’ll see you later”

Garrison walks out without kissing Andrew goodbye.

“What’s his deal?” Dawn asks as she walks through the mall with Andrew

“I don’t know, since the other night he’s been really…Lex Luther in Smallville”


“Like, you know, all cold and mysterious kinda smoking jacket guy”

“Which night?” asks Dawn as the sit down in the centre diner

“What?” Andrew replies slurping on a shake

“Which night, since he’s been acting strange?”

“Like, erm…Thursday I think, when all the stuff went down”

“Ahh” Dawn says very suddenly self aware

“Ahh, like ahh this shakes good or ahh like you know something?”

“Know something, I think, it may be nothing but it could be a thing”

“Erm…” Andrew looks around confused “huh?”

“I may have definitely been not of the nice to him”


“I don’t know, there’s just something…I don’t want you to get hurt”

“Aww, that’s sweet Dawn, now go play nice to him so that he doesn’t leave me and make me hurt” Andrew smiles sarcastically.

Garrison is in the City Park training hard. He’s just finished an eight-mile run and is now attempting some form of gymnastic martial art.

“Nice moves”

Garrison turns, sweating, to see Dawn standing arms nervously folded. A half smile on her face.

“What d’ya want?” he asks as he unwraps the bandaging from his hands.

“I spoke to Andrew”

“What and he wants you to come play nice?” Garrison laughs

“Something of the sort”

Dawn follows him as he begins to wonder toward a drink stand.

“Garrison, listen, I never meant to…I’m sorry”

“Forget about it”

“No, I am. Sorry I mean”

“Dawn, I can deal with you wanting to protect Andrew, really, I get that”


“But, what I don’t deal is you being so ‘anti new people’”

“What how can you say that?”

“Thalia, you were in forced circumstance there. Ryan, there was a relationship, which you still forced him to be the outsider in...”

“You know nothing about me and Ryan” Dawn says fiercely

“He’s my best friend Dawn! He knows me and I know him, If you weren’t so busy trying to live up to Buffy and Faith then you’d notice the world around you”

“That is so not true!”

“You’re just like her” Garrison says as he picks up the pace


“Buffy. You’re not willing to except change outside of your inner circle, according to Faith, the woman who was supposedly afraid of having friends, yet welcomed me the most, said that’s what she was like.”

“That’s so untrue, you don’t know anything”

“I know that Buffy was the last person to accept Andrew back in Sunnydale” he snarls

“Oh my god, I’m turning into Buffy, that’s not a bad thing…. Sometimes…but personality wise, Oh my god!”

“But you have other qualities as well Dawn, the face that you hated me before you knew me and that you were ready to hate anyone that would hurt your friends, there is some good to that”


“But I don’t deserve it. Before I met Andrew I had a normal life, I’ve killed and nearly been killed countless times for him…and his friends and I deserve one hell of a lot more respect and credit than I get and so does Faith”

“You think I treat Faith unfairly?”

“I think you can’t forget what she was, you need to learn who she is. Sure you’re close but are you really?”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean, you spend time together yeah, but have you let her in, has she let you in, have either you tried?”


“You’re Sisters now, you’re closer than colleagues”

Dawn sits still for a moment reflecting

“I should get going, I have a slayer to see about sisterhood”

Dawn walks off slowly and turns back

“Garrison…” she smiles “Thank you”

As Dawn leaves, Garrison’s mobile begins to ring

“Hello?” he pauses “Ryan”

“You’re really going aren’t you?” Faith says in disbelief, tears in her eyes as Xander loads his car.

As Xander loads his car Dawn arrives outside of the apartment

“You’re leaving again?” she asks “Forever?”

Before Xander can answer Andrew comes running along the road like an excited child and throws his arms around Xander.

“Hey, Andrew, long time no grope” Xander jokes

“Jerk, just leave and then come back and don’t tell me, then leave again”


“You’re meant to be my big brother figure, you know Tucker being insane and all”

“Hey, I’m a phone call away little man” Xander smiles

“I want you to have this” Andrew passes him a sealed Star Wars action figure.

Xander smiles and him then shakes his hand, which leads into a hug.

Andrew steps aside so that Dawn can say her goodbyes

“So, another one down” she smiles

“I’m sorry”

“Hey, don’t be a stranger and say hi to Anya for me” she smiles

“I will”

“Look at you! All moving on and big man Xander” she laughs as a tear rolls down her cheek

“Little Dawnie Summers, all grown woman and smart at the same time, you’ll make a good wife someday…” he leans and whispers to her “You’re extraordinary, never forget that”

He kisses her on the head as she steps back to Andrew and lets Faith take to the front.

“So, Alexander Harris, moving up in the world, not so much the boy who’s cherry I took” she winks

“Faith, I don’t know what to say”

“Then don’t. No point speaking if it’s not worth saying” she smiles tearfully

Xander goes to hug Faith but she moves away “Let’s not get all soppy hey” she says.

“I’ll never forget you” he smiles quietly and then places his hand on his heart and nods.

With that Xander steps into his car and drives off into the distance without looking back. Dawn and Andrew comfort eachother as Faith stares into the distance.

“You okay?” Dawn asks Faith.

“Five by Five” she replies avoiding contact.

Later that night Dawn is lying awake in bed, staring at he ceiling.
Thalia is out on patrol with Faith.

The moon is shining brightly into her room itching her eyes.

She closes the curtain as the light begins to increase, she realises the light is in the room.

“Who’s there?” she calls a figure begins to form at the edge of her bed.

“Tara?” she calls out as the figure takes form.

“Dawn, Innocent Little Girl”

“Tara, is that really you?” she asks

Tara strokes her face “She’s just a girl Dawnie, she doesn’t know”

“Who, what doesn’t she know? Who is she?”

“Just a girl” she smiles as she fades away.

Dawn wakes in her bad panting in a cold sweat, the windows shut, there is no moon and Thalia is asleep across the room.
Music is playing loudly in ‘G Spot’ Faith is sat alone drinking and humming along to the song.

“Cause I’m just a little girl you see, but there’s a hell of a lot more to me, don’t ever…”

“Hey lady, Karaoke night is on Fridays”

Faith looks up at the barman and swiftly punches him in the face

“I’ll sing my song when ever I like” she slurs as she grabs her beer and heads out to the dance floor.

Screen: ‘Florida 1956’

A girl, Asha Sayer, is dancing at the ‘Browns Bar’ when she sees a suspicious looking man leaving with a woman. She follows him out into the alley but is stopped as she reaches the door.

Upon leaving the door she is cornered by several men, all of which are vampires, she attempts to fight them off but is out numbered. She falls to the ground dead.

Faith is dancing wildly on the dance floor, surrounded by men as one of them pulls her to the side.


She turns around “Who’s asking?” and sees Connor standing there

“Junior Broody, what are you doing in this part of town?”

“It’s Angel” he says sternly

Faith looks at him blankly as fear creeps through her. She comes across strange as her bottle crashes from her hand and shatters across the floor.


Written By L.K. Culshaw

Amber Benson – Tara
Vincent Karthieser – Connor
Megan Mulley - Dolly

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