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Date Posted: 17:45:53 11/27/09 Fri
Author: Debi
Subject: I love your comments, Page...
In reply to: Page 's message, "What a crappy way to start the day! >>>>" on 14:08:12 11/27/09 Fri

>I like that you included that brief moment of
>panic. That would have been my first thought upon
>being awakened like that -- "What's wrong?"

Thanks. I tried to keep in mind that Molly's hours aren't the same as everyone else's and she's sused to that, but there's always that moment of "Oh shit!" when awakened before your usual time.
Molly let him
>>block the door long enough to make her point, then
>>tugged at his collar and swept out a wide gesture of
>>grudging welcome.
>Good for her. I hate it when people try to invade
>my space like that. Just because someone comes
>knocking doesn't give them the divine right to be let
>in, and I'm glad Molly made her point to this rude

She's not afraid to make her feelings known in whatever manner is convenient.Declan was handy, and since he's about sixty pounds heavier than her, it's even more conveninet.;-) I love big dogs...
>>“Please do come in, make yourself at home.” Sarcasm
>>tinged her words in her semi-conscious state. Ignoring
>>him further, she padded around the bar, ducked under
>>the flap and started making coffee.
>If it were me, I'd lose the word "futher." She
>hasn't really been ignoring him up to this point.

Good catch. Some of this stuff you can tell I've been writing late at night or while heavilty distracted.
>Oh, don't forget the hair! Most guys like this
>have perfectly swirled hair, hairsprayed to within an
>inch of its slightly pompadoured life. *G*

Oh! Excellent suggestion! I'll have to make sure to include that in my revision. He would undoubtedly have perfectly groomed hair too.


>Heh heh. Good dog. I also like the way you said
>he assumed an air of authority. We all know he
>doesn't have any in Molly's bar, and writing it like
>that reinforces the fact he's just giving a good show
>of having any there.

>>“Are you his father?”
>>He recoiled, giving her an odd look. “No, I’m not.”
“I ask because it’s entirely possible, given your
>>predilection in the past for tomcatting. That is all
>>in the past, right?”
A preacher with a past. Gotta love it
>>I won’t be far.” She turned her head to nod at Walter
>>with a smile grateful smile.
>Only need one smile here.
Guilt & Shame, Chapter One, Verse One: And lo,
>>though thou shalt attempt to ignore the Past, the Past
>>will always be there; it lurks in the dark; it
>>awaiteth its hour in the sun, jaws slavering, where it
>>prefereth to strike the soft tissue of thy ass.

>Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! Lovely bit of writing!!
I couldn't resist. Something about that King James archaic language that just calls to me to bend it to my will...
“I’ve never told anyone, and I certainly didn’t
>>tell young Skywalker. LOL!! ANother 'resistance is futile' moment >>“Why not?” she snapped. She was ready for him to be
>>gone. “Am I getting it wrong? Will I burst into flame
>>for the words leaving my unclean mouth? I bet you’d
>>dance a jig of joy if that happened.”
>Oh, I like Molly! Why is it that preachers of the
>holier-than-thou vein always think Scripture is for
>their own personal use? I avoid discussing two things
>with people -- politics and religion. But I have been
>dragged into religious debate with people who told me
>I was going straight to hell because my church has a
>*gasp!* kitchen and gym, and I haven't hesitated to
>use my knowledge of Scripture to shut them up. It's
>quite satisfying, and I think that's why I like this
>bit so much! *G*

I'm about as heathen as they come, being pretty close to Molly in attitude toward and observance of religion. I beleive your actions are what count, not where you spend your Sundays. But it's always nice to have a little knowledge so that when some chest-beating jerk tries to be all high and mighty so you can knock them down a peg or two. Molly's way better at it than I am though ;-)

>>“Whatever. I hope Jesus forgives you. I doubt your
>>wife would. Me, I’ve long since stopped caring about
>>what happened. I carry no guilt about it. So I would
>>appreciate you leaving me alone, just as you have
>Holy cow. Did Molly boff the preacher???

OMG!!!! I laughed so hard when I read your comment here!!! A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...;-)
>Well, well, well. Now this is an interesting
>development! And not only is it interesting, it's
>beautifully written. Excellent job, Debi!

Thanks again Page! I was surprised as anyone when this little scenario popped up. I have no idea why or where, but there needed to be soem anumosity between the bar and the church and Molly took matters into her own hands and made it personal. VERY personal.

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